Chapter 199 Program group?
She shook her head, letting herself stop thinking about who it was, and instead turn her attention to what to do.

How to do it?

The clothes must be uniform, and the situation in their group is different from that of Wang Qing and the others.

Wang Qing and Shu Ruxue's "Small World" is a relatively daily sweet dance, and the costumes can also make up for everyone's daily clothes.

They can't do this.

Black costumes are not everyday and need to be customized.

Even if you buy it again, is now enough time?

"Everyone, don't panic, the instructor will try to delay everyone for a while, and we will solve the clothes problem immediately!" Outside, the audience has already entered the venue one after another.

Luo Zi, who was standing beside her, suddenly thought of a very important thing.

When she entered the dressing room yesterday, the door was open.

Is it usually open at night?
She entered unimpeded yesterday, was it also deliberately arranged by someone or she happened to bump into it?
The more I think about it, the more flustered I get, why is there no problem with the clothes of their group?
If their group is also broken, she doesn't need to worry so much now.

"Director, I'll take care of the matter of putting together our clothes. I need my phone." Ye Tian thought for a while, and decided to call for help.

It is impossible to go to the street to buy ten sets of costumes and put them on.

On stage like that, the audience saw it, so what can they say?What about a joke?
When the director heard what Ye Tian said, he immediately thought of something: "Okay, if you can contact the clothes, solve it as soon as possible."

"I'm also calling the company here to ask the company to contact a batch of clothes urgently."

After the director finished speaking, he looked at his injured cloth, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

Who is this person, don't let him be caught!

Qi Ye also received news from the backstage that he appeared as the host of the performance.

The rhythm of the performance is all controlled by him.

When he heard the news from the backstage, he immediately frowned, with deep fear in his eyes.

"I see." After the director finished speaking, he nodded.

The audience was already full of voices, and the performance of the first group of trainees was about to begin.

They looked at the props in their hands, and they were a little dumbfounded.

They are going to use crutches, but now, the crutches in their hands have been pasted with various patches because of damage.

The clothes on them, if you look carefully, also have patches.

"What kind of jazz are we? We are beggars." Looking at the clothes of himself and his opponent, everyone laughed.

"Beggars A group beggars B group."

"However, there is one thing to say, our group has more clothing patches, and your group has more prop patches."

The relationship between the two teams is not bad, there is not much difference in strength between them, and they usually train in the same room.

We haven't been separated for two weeks, and friendship naturally has.

"Come on, come on!" They encouraged each other, and it was Group A's turn to play, and the audience below were all shouting the names of the trainees they supported.

But the moment they appeared, the atmosphere in the audience froze.

Is this a modern look?
What is the program group doing?
Even those with sharp eyes can see the patches on the trainees' clothes.


"The poor clothes of the program group can't afford it?"

"Why is the program group like this! Is this the effect of the program?"

At this moment, on the Internet, pictures of the trainees appearing dressed like this were also uploaded.

In an anonymous forum.

[One thing to say, I don't think this program group is very good! [picture]】

 In the process of PK, please recommend a ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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