Chapter 204 My fans are so smart

While the director was talking, a counterattack had already begun on the Internet.

Starlight Entertainment is still very tough, and directly hung up the navy company.

[Starlight Entertainment V: We are committed to making every program well. Fairness and justice is also the principle of the program group.The clothing incident will be explained to everyone by the program team. 】

【Starlight Entertainment V: Please don't be rampant! [Picture][Picture][Picture]]

Many netizens were originally watching the show, and after knowing that most of the remarks on the Internet were made by the navy, they also said it.

[Hahahaha, is this navy company new? 】

[Starlight Entertainment also touches porcelain? 】

[I feel something is wrong, what kind of big deal is this?There is no big problem with the decision-making of the program group, right? 】

[It's dark, I almost feel that my three views are not correct. 】

[I also don’t think it’s a big deal. In the first two groups, the props in the first group are indeed a little funny, but it will take a long time for the program group to purchase right away, right?The effect of the second group wearing their own clothes is not bad, and the style is also very good. 】

[As for the latter, apart from Group A of the third group, which I don’t know what’s going on, the other groups are big names on temporary loan. It can be seen that the relationship between Starlight and the big names is really in place, and it can also be seen that it is true. It's hard work! 】

It takes more than money to borrow clothes in as little as half an hour.

Even if those clothing studios are all in Yancheng, if the communication is not in place, they will not be able to make it in time.

You can't make the audience who have already entered the venue wait for a long time, right?
【As far as I was at the scene, I was actually very satisfied, because Teacher Qi sang two songs in order to delay time, ahhhhhhh!
At that time, I was very angry when I saw the torn clothes of my sisters, but after seeing the explanation of the program group, I felt okay.

The insider must be caught, the program crew is really miserable. 】

[Why is there so much trouble in this horrible show? 】

The crisis at Starlight Entertainment was gradually resolved, and at the same time, the netizens' attacks on Ye Tian stopped.

Because the program group has already made an explanation.

Hold on to it?

What's wrong with Ye Tian?
Ye Tian's fans looked at those comments on the Internet, thought for a long time, and decided not to pay attention.

[Sweet coffee: Everyone, don't worry about those gossips, they're all sailors, why are you arguing with them?If you really have that leisurely mind, wouldn't it be nice to buy a robot and keep scolding it every day at home? 】

Sweet Coffee is a male fan, an early fan of Ye Tian, ​​and he also contributed money and effort to Ye Tian's charts. Over time, he became a big fan.

Everyone listened to what he said.

[Yes, why are you arguing, I am embarrassed after reading those speeches! 】

[Robots are expensive, coffee! 】

[Don't be fooled, don't be fooled, if you quarrel with them, you will fall into the trap! 】

The opponent's purpose is to make Ye Tian's fans tear it up.

After all, many celebrities are actually really good, but because their fans are too annoying, they have poor popularity among passers-by.

These remarks on the Internet are now leading Ye Tian's fans to tear up with those noble passers-by who are watching the excitement.

Anyway, passers-by are noble, and your fans are always inferior. If you refute what they say, it means that XXX fans really ruin the popularity of passers-by, and passers-by can't stand it anymore.

Once there are too many such words, it will be extremely detrimental to an idol who needs traffic.

Fortunately, Ye Tian's fans are very sensible and will not fall for it.

At this moment, Ye Tian also used Qi Ye's mobile phone to read those comments on the Internet.

The originally dim eyes lit up again, hee hee, so smart!She deserves to be her fan!

She held the phone in her arms and was about to lean to the side.

But Qi Ye didn't expect to get up suddenly.

? ? ? !
She fell straight onto the sofa.

 In the process of PK, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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