Chapter 208 Dilemma
[Let’s take a day off if it’s a holiday. After such a big thing happened yesterday, they are not allowed to take a day off?Eat salty radishes all day long and worry less. 】

【Why don't you worry as much about the money you make? 】

[Probably something is going on inside, the clothes can be cut to shreds, I admire Starlight Girl's management! 】

[Yesterday's embarrassing blackout, it can be seen that Starlight Girl is really popular! 】

[Do you also want to see it when you go out?Do you look at the toilet? 】

【Upstairs, those perverts really want to see...】

【? ? ? 】

Now, Starlight Girls, any trivial matter may be trending, and Starlight Entertainment has specially assigned some people to do public relations for Starlight Girls.

The Starlight Girl's official blog is also handed over to the people here.

[Starlight Girl V: Add cameras to the place where trainees are working!The trainees go out to relax and relax [Picture] [Picture]]

This also explains why the trainees are required to have a holiday and the program crew's determination to prevent incidents similar to the first performance from happening again.

[Did the ghost catch it? 】

[Can the lives of the younger sisters be guaranteed? 】

[Forget it, forget it, do it well, next time it must not happen again! 】

[It's good to take a day off, the children should have been terrified yesterday! 】

[Is it an organized holiday for the program group to let everyone go out to play?Or do you just walk around?Can I meet my sisters in the street now? 】

Here comes the question that fans are most concerned about.

[Are you thinking about farting? 】

[Going shopping is indeed the best way for girls to relax, so are you ready?I'm already dressed and ready to hit the streets! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm 】

[Meet by chance! 】

#Encounter Starlight Girl#
The topic was immediately brought up by fans.

On the hot search, everyone saw that the Starlight Girl had a holiday today, and some people in Yancheng really thought about meeting her by chance.

However, there are still many fans of trainees who are more sensible.

[Ye Tian Support Club V: I know that our family has a lot of fans in Yancheng, but please don't disturb her life, she is going out to relax, let her have fun! 】

The members of Ye Tian's support club sensed something was wrong immediately.

If the trainees were surrounded outside, there would be another big wave of rhythm.

The person who brought up the rhythm didn't know what his intentions were.

[Hmm, if you really meet me, take a photo from a distance! 】

【WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooEveryone is going out to play happily, are those people willing to be blocked outside? 】

[I hope Ye Tian can relax outside, she must have been scared yesterday too, right? 】

[The program group really doesn't behave like a human being, it's a holiday when it's on holiday, why announce it? 】

[Ham, the program team is also difficult, it was photographed by the paparazzi! 】

The three of Ye Tian were already sitting in the taxi wearing masks.

"Little train, little train!" Wang Qing was very excited, and kept talking about some famous things in the amusement park.

The little train is a project that surrounds the entire amusement park, and it is also Wang Qing's long-awaited.

"I hope there won't be too many people." Ye Tian sighed helplessly.

In the very famous amusement park in Yancheng, there is a program team filming a variety show at the moment.

As soon as the three of Ye Tian arrived, they found that there were a lot of people in the amusement park.

Wang Qing has already bought a huge cotton candy at this moment.

"Do you want to eat?" she asked, holding a marshmallow.

Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue looked at her: "How to eat?"

Wang Qing came to her senses all of a sudden, and stayed where she was, as if... she couldn't eat it. If she eats marshmallows, she has to take off her mask. What if someone recognizes her?
But what about the marshmallows?

 In the process of PK, please recommend a ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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