Chapter 210 Chase!
【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, looks familiar!I will never forget those eyes! 】

[Ye Tian! ! ! 】

【And Shu Ruxue! 】

What Ye Tian's fans remember most is Ye Tian's face and Ye Tian's eyes.

In the words of fans, her eyes can speak.

Shu Ruxue was cold, she felt chilly just by looking at her.

If there is only one person, it is not easy to recognize, but two people! ! !
【Is this in Yancheng? 】

[Yeah, Yancheng Amusement Park, today I found out that the program team was filming there! 】

I found that the hosts of the program group are all relatively old, and they are not considered fresh meat. Even if they appear in any place, everyone will think of them, and it will not cause a situation of siege.

But Ye Tian and the others are different.


What happens when you appear in a public place?
You can think of it with your toes.

Everyone went online, the news spread very fast, and soon someone started shouting.

"Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian heard it, but didn't look back.

Who is it?No Ye Tian here!

But Wang Qing next to her didn't understand these routines. When she heard someone calling Ye Tian's name, she immediately turned her head to look over.

"Ah, ah, Wang Qing!"

According to her figure, after Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue were ruled out, the other one must be Wang Qing.

Because anyone who has watched the show knows that the relationship between the three is very good.

Wang Qing opened her mouth wide.

"We were discovered?" She belatedly.

Song Xiaowen, who was standing in front and still talking, also noticed that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

"Sorry..." After Ye Tian finished speaking, she pulled Wang Qing and Shu Ruxue and started running.

One step ahead.

The people behind reacted instantly, "It's them!"

Everyone is not interested in Da Ma, but they are very interested in Ye Tian and others!
Before Song Xiaowen could react, the crowd had already chased Ye Tian and the three of them.

In the end, only she and the photographer behind were left.

"Those three girls just now were also stars?" She understood, and at the same time her eyes were full of displeasure.

The three of Ye Tian ran into the corner, Wang Qing couldn't take it anymore and took off her mask, panting heavily.

"Why are we recognized?"

"Originally we wouldn't be recognized, but when we were separated from the crowd, it was easy to be recognized." Ye Tian didn't know how to explain.

For example, if you are walking among the crowd, no one will take a second look at you to be honest, especially if you are wearing a mask and fully armed.

It's not like the three of them are really popular all over the world. The combined number of fans is less than [-]% of the total population of the country.

But when they are watched by everyone, the probability of being recognized increases.

Because there are hundreds of people looking at you and it only takes one person to recognize you...

"The main reason is that Song Xiaowen has a camera behind her..."

"What does she do?" Wang Qing didn't know much about the entertainment industry.

The three people in the corner panicked.

Ye Tian experienced such a situation in her previous life, but she also panicked, because every time she was chased by a crazy person, nothing good would happen.

Among those people, at most one percent liked her, and the rest followed suit.

Because it is impossible for real fans to rush up like that regardless of her safety.

"I'll call the director, we'll hide, and we'll go out when those people outside get over their energy."

Song Xiaowen also found out who the person standing in front of her was from the Internet.

Ye Tian?

It's her again?
It's really lingering, but, just in time...

However, she still called her team: "I just met Ye Tian in the show."

"Afterwards, I will be Ye Tian's foreign aid for her second performance." Having said that, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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