Chapter 217 Why is she so lucky?

She shouldn't have been in this group in the first place!

Losing [-] votes and bearing the name of a loser on her back is not very good for her, and it is not very good for her fans in the future.

Originally, the plan set by the team for her was to fight more and more bravely, from unsatisfactory at the beginning to become more and more powerful later.

Let fans and audiences really have a feeling of cultivation.

But Shi Fei was not like that.

The plan at the beginning was really good, but she didn't expect to interrupt her plan every time because of some special reasons.

The company paid her a lot of money for this ranking, but the money was all on her head.If you can't earn it back in the future...

After thinking about it, Shi Fei looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's face was calm, as if there was no fluctuation due to the announcement of the ranking.

Why is she so lucky?
Originally, he participated as a personal trainee, but before the show was broadcast, it became a trending search because of that face.

Are those people that superficial?

Just because of one face, Ye Tian gained countless popularity.

It's the same now, with a series of hot searches, Ye Tian has several times more fans than other trainees.

She now has more than ten million votes, and many trainees don't even have a fraction of her.

And what many people don't know is that this is the result of Ye Tian's fans deliberately keeping votes.

After all, in the first round, the program team didn't set any restrictions, and all 99 votes in a day could be cast for one person, which resulted in Ye Tian's extremely high number of votes.

"Next is the 17th." The program crew's shots began to cut, and it was possible to cut to Shi Fei, Wang Qing, and Wang Qing.

All three votes were very close.

Wang Qing suddenly became nervous.

"Is it me? Is it me?" She took a look at her ranking yesterday, she was in the top ten, but from yesterday to today, the ranking will definitely fluctuate greatly.

After all, everyone has fans, and behind many trainees there are companies controlling them.

Shi Fei clenched her fist, her ranking will definitely not be so low!

There are operations in the company, absolutely not!

"Wang Qing!"

Wang Qing was overjoyed, hugged Xing Ranran who was standing next to him, and walked down covering his mouth.

"Would you like to make a speech?" Wang Qing was in class A before, but fell down later. Although he has not reached the upper circle now, he is already considered very good.

"Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!" She bowed to the camera with tears in her eyes.

Fortunately, I didn't give up.

The hard work has paid off.

17 name!
"Take your ID card and go to your place." At this moment, Qi Ye was also very pleased.

I don't know why, maybe it was because Ye Tian's words at the beginning cheered up the girl, which made Qi Ye pay more attention to her later on.

Wang Qing walked over and hugged Ye Tian who was standing in the first row, Wang Qing who was next to him, and of course Shi Fei.

After all, Shi Fei really took care of her at that time.

"Come on, Feifei!"

"I'll be waiting for you up there!"

After Wang Qing finished speaking, Shi Fei also smiled hypocritically: "Congratulations, Qingqing."

Wang Qing smiled brightly at her, but Shi Fei gritted her teeth.

Wang Qing actually entered the top [-]!

She raised her head again and glanced at Qi Ye.

It was found that Qi Ye looked at Wang Qing with affirmation in his eyes.

Shi Fei clenched her fists.


Why can't Teacher Qi's eyes be all about her?
 The PK is over, it will be on the shelves next week, the specific time has not been set yet.

  Thank you for your rewards, votes, and messages of support. I love you all~
  Finally ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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