Chapter 219 What is it?
Jiang Yue didn't feel sad because Qi Ye didn't hug her. After all, Teacher Qi was like this in everyone's perception.

It's been such a long time in the program group, and I haven't seen him get very close to anyone.

Everything you do is businesslike.

"Everyone, don't get too excited. If you get too excited, you can pinch yourself and calm down." Qi Ye suggested to everyone in a 'serious' way.

The trainees below laughed together.

"No. 14, with 120 million votes."

The trainee just now had more than 90 votes, but now he jumped to 120 million votes.

The higher you go, the bigger the gap will be.

The camera switched between several trainees again, and the rest of the trainees who thought they were very promising became excited.

"Shi Fei." Qi Ye read out Shi Fei's name.

Shi Fei was stunned.

What?Only 14?
Her expression was not good-looking. The trainee standing next to her wanted to congratulate her, but Shi Fei didn't seem to be particularly satisfied with this ranking. What she was about to say just now was held back. in stomach.

Of course, there are also those who are very ignorant and directly say to Shi Fei: "Congratulations, Feifei! Such a good ranking!"

"Thank you." Shi Feipi smiled, his face was very stiff.

She pretended to hug the people next to her who congratulated her, and remembered them in her heart.

Does this kind of thing need congratulations?

What are you congratulating her for this achievement?Congratulations to her for regressing again?
This group of people can't see her well?

When Shi Fei walked in front of Qi Ye, Qi Ye took a step back calmly.

"Is there anything you want to say?" This sentence must be asked, especially for the top twenty trainees.

Even if Qi Ye forgot, the program team would remind him directly through earphones.

Shi Fei hid the displeasure in her eyes, looked at the camera, and smiled brightly.

"Thank you Starlight producers for your support, everyone has worked hard. I love you!" After speaking, she made a gesture of heart to the camera, looking extremely cute.

Wang Qing, who was standing in the first row, always felt a little uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart when she heard this sentence.

After staying with Shi Fei for such a long time, Wang Qing also saw something about Shi Fei.

"She's really weird."

Wang Qing whispered in Ye Tian's ear.

After the duel between Shi Fei and Wang Qing ended, Shi Fei's daily contact time increased a lot.

When Wang Qing didn't come to the practice room, she arrived, and she was the last one to leave every day.

In order to compete with her during that time, Wang Qing lost a lot of weight.

"Why is it strange?" Ye Tian asked curiously.

"It's the way things are done that makes me feel like she is...I can't put into words that feeling."

"It's just that she gives me the feeling that her strength is not good enough, but at the critical moment, she will explode."

In this performance, Shi Fei's votes were much higher than Wang Qing's, because Shi Fei's performance was really explosive during the performance.

As the C position, Wang Qing was overwhelmed by Shi Fei. Although it was nothing, Shi Fei really didn't show anything during practice!
"Could it be that she is really the kind of scene player, the bigger the scene, the better her performance?"

Wang Qing whispered in Ye Tian's ear.

Ye Tian listened in her heart and remembered what Wang Qing said.

Shi Fei, as the heroine in the book, must have other things besides the halo of Jiangzhi, other things!
Ye Tian summed it up in her heart.

But what exactly?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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