Chapter 233 Who Makes Who?

[Confusion... Who is this aunt? 】

[Shh, don't say that!Although she is indeed an aunt, she is also a senior! 】

[This is dragging my treasure to the hot search, everyone, don't give it the heat! 】

[My snow is miserable enough, I went to an amusement park just because this person was so frightened, and after I was done, I wanted to comfort the fans, and now I was bundled into marketing again? 】

Ye Tian's comments are similar to those of Shu Ruxue's fans, but because Ye Tian has more fans, there are more posts.

【Um?Who is this? 】

[Ham, can this be tied up too? 】

[I'm going to fuck her old witch, I will never forget this old witch for the rest of my life, the vicious stepmother she played is really penetrating, and I don't know what a real person is like? 】

[I heard it's not bad?Some of her variety shows seem to be the kind of TV shows that although they are vicious, they are actually big sisters? 】

[Don't be too sweet, you've already started buying hot searches, you won't be a good person, everyone, don't give heat, let's talk about it after watching! 】

Among these relatively normal comments, there are also some particularly ugly remarks.

[Who is this aunt?Go away please. 】

[This old woman is so ugly, standing next to Tiantian is like a hen and a phoenix. 】

[vomit...who is this?Want to take advantage of our family's sweetness? 】

These comments are very strange, they are all trumpets who have just followed Ye Tianchao for a few days.

There are people in the company and the support club who are watching Chaohua all the time, and these abnormal remarks are immediately paid close attention to.

In the small group of the anti-gang group of the support club, these comments were also hung up.

Ye Tian Fan Club: Please pay attention to these accounts, keep an eye on them!If the skin is black, you must hang it!
Guardian Sweetheart: Received, these things seem to be rhythmic at first glance, and I don’t know which shop bought them.

Ye Tian's support club: I just went to Shu Ruxue's side to check, and there seems to be such a post on their side, but Wang Qing's side doesn't...

Guarding Sweetheart: If it is Song Mai's navy, it means that she has cooperated with Tiantian and Shu Ruxue in the program group.

Ye Tian Fan Club: Then what shall we do?Keep you professional!

Guardian sweetheart: Track down those accounts, hang up the anti-mafia team first, and then contact Shu Ruxue to fight against the mafia together.

Ye Tian's Support Club: Okay, I'll go right away!
Fans took action when they found something was wrong and informed the company about it.

Starlight Entertainment attached great importance to Ye Tian's matter and immediately started investigating.

They guessed what the other was going to do but didn't do it at the moment.

After all 'yan pressure'?The opposing team didn't know Ye Tian too well, nor did they know Shu Ruxue too well.It's ridiculous!
This was delivered to her door without money hot search, not only did the company take no measures to suppress it, but even set her on fire.

Ye Tian and the others, who were in training, knew nothing about this, they just felt that this woman, Song Xiaowen, was too much.

Because she is an assistant guest, she needs to take part in the singing.

They are a singing group, but this one knows nothing about creation, but she likes to make random changes.

I don't know if it's a habit of randomly changing the script in the crew, and she also likes to change the lyrics randomly.

Even the simplest rhyme doesn't match, but she wanted it that way, if Ye Tian and others raised their opinions, she would immediately use her senior status to suppress her.

In the end, Chang Xian, who was still in charge of singing and composing, couldn't stand it any longer, "Mr. Song..."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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