Chapter 236 The person who bullied me?
Naturally, he would not be polite when he opened his mouth.

"Ms. Song, what are you scolding? It's not convenient for Mr. Chang to speak, so I'll accompany you." An Yunle's mouth was also chattering like a machine gun.

"Our program group has never been so lively before. Those who know it think that the two teachers are discussing academic issues. Those who don't know think that Teacher Chang is a free prostitute and has no money, and is being chased for money?"

An Yunle is shameless in the first place, he doesn't need any fans, nor does he need the so-called popularity, he relies on pure technology, and even if he doesn't make money, it doesn't affect him.

When Song Xiaowen heard what he said, her face naturally became very ugly: "An Yunle, there's no need to speak so excessively, right?"

"Ah, sorry, did I poke you sorely? Sorry sorry, I don't know."

After An Yunle finished speaking, the trainees next to her covered their mouths and laughed.

Outside, Ye Tian made a victory gesture to them.

Bu Ling inside gave her a thumbs up.

They never knew that Teacher An was so strong.

"I also heard Mr. Song's argument with Mr. Chang just now. To put it bluntly, no matter what, this is the stage for our trainees."

"Regardless of whether there is a camera here or not, that's what I'm saying. You are here to help the trainees complete the stage, not for the trainees to prepare the stage for you."

"They are all old seniors, can't they have a little shame?"

There was a quarrel here, and the director received the news immediately.

After all, someone is watching all the cameras in real time, and once something happens, it must be resolved or recorded.

"It's too good to scold! I shouldn't have let this woman join in the first place!" After hearing this, the director only felt comfortable physically and mentally.

Inviting Song Xiaowen was probably the worst thing he did during this time.

Putting Song Xiaowen in Ye Tian's team after listening to Song Xiaowen's request, that was the second wrong thing!
Song Xiaowen's ability is indeed not very good, but no matter how you say it, she is a senior. The level of singing is indeed on the line, at least among the trainees.

At that time, when she proposed to join Ye Tian's group, there was actually a debate, but other supporting guests couldn't compete with her.

After all, Song Xiaowen is considered an old senior, and it seems that in this circle, it seems to be feasible to act on the basis of ignorance and the old.

In terms of seniority, a person who has no moral circle in the first place has to show all kinds of good morals, otherwise, he will encounter Waterloo in his career.

Actors, acting is their profession.

Taking advantage of her age, Song Xiaowen directly asked for Ye Tian's group, and there was no reason for others to compete with her.

"An Yunle." Song Xiaowen gritted her teeth, she didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did.

If the resources are robbed or the camera is robbed, it is because the rookie has no skills, so what does it have to do with her?Isn't the law of the jungle the law of survival in this circle?
"Ms. Song, is there anything I want to say? Is what I said not clear enough? Do you think my students can be bullied by you?" An Yunle did not come to Ye Tian's group a few days ago Come.

Chang Xian is in charge here, but hearing those words on the road just now is enough to make people angry.

Bullying the trainees he taught is not a very important thing, the most important thing is to bully his sister under his nose?

hello? when he doesn't exist?

Song Xiaowen naturally couldn't say no to An Yunle, but she could turn the point of conflict to the trainees.

She looked at Ye Tian.

 An Yunle: Find out about the quarrel champions.

  Qi Ye: Oh
  Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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