Chapter 242

Qi Ye was originally happy and wanted to go to Chaohua to see if there were any new photos of Ye Tian, ​​but unexpectedly, he saw news about Ye Tian and Song Xiaowen.

[Woooooh, our sister was bullied by that old witch! 】

[Everyone has watched so many episodes of the show, Ye Tian is definitely not someone who disrespects her seniors, otherwise, the teachers in the show group would definitely not like her that much, this matter is still unclear. 】

Several mentors in the program group are very fond of Ye Tian, ​​as long as anyone with eyes can see it.

[SXW is very popular with passers-by. She has debuted for more than 20 years. From the female lead to the female lead and her stepmother, our generation basically grew up watching her dramas.Why did she say that? 】

[I'm so angry, what should I do if the hot search is hot?Now everyone below says that the person SXW mentioned is our Tiantian. 】

The popularity of hot searches has been increasing. The first guess is that it has something to do with Ye Tian, ​​and the second is because Song Xiaowen's nationality is indeed not low.

After all, he is a character who has been active in TV for more than 20 years.

Those who can access the Internet, no one has not watched her drama.

[What about the program group?Is the show crew playing dead?Come out and give an explanation! 】

When Qi Ye saw this, he naturally wanted to contact the support club.

The fan club is also flustered now. Many people in the circle are against the old seniors. Even if the old seniors are wrong, the newcomers will be scolded in the end.

Such a case, as an old star chasing girl, subcutaneously in the support club is very aware of the harm this incident will do to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's support club: Don't worry, boss. We have already contacted the company and are waiting for feedback.

Tiantian is mine: it should be Song Xiaowen's problem, stabilize the fans, let them not be too anxious, the program team should explain.

Disrespecting seniors, these five words are very serious for an artist who has not yet debuted, even for an artist who has debuted.

Qi Ye knew it well, because he...

Thinking of some things before, he took a deep breath, and then suddenly laughed.

Unexpectedly, he and Tiantian experienced the same thing almost at the same stage.

Maybe, this is a match made in heaven?

"Teacher Qi?" The staff member who called for someone next to him was puzzled.

what's wrong?

Just now, he looked 'vicious' and looked as if he was about to go up and fight someone.

Smiling all over your face now...sweet?
Teacher Qi, is this in love?
Thinking of this, the staff silently swallowed their saliva, a little afraid to imagine.

"Let's go." He put away his phone and adjusted the expression on his face, "Shoot faster, I have something to do later."

He originally planned to return to the program group tomorrow, leaving more time for filming here, but now...

"Okay, the photographer is here, and there will be an interview later. If you are busy, we can make up for it online later. Can you see it?" The staff is very professional.

When Qi Ye said something was wrong, he immediately made adjustments.

Qi Ye nodded, "Okay." He also sent a message to his driver, and immediately returned to the program group after the filming was over.

After Ye Tian revised the last lyrics, she went out to go to the restaurant for dinner. Just as she went out, she ran into Qi Ye who hurried back from outside.

There was a hint of surprise in her eyes. Looking at Qi Ye, Qi Ye quickened his pace and walked in front of her in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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