Chapter 253 Immortals
[The voice is still quite good. 】

[The first two sentences are not right?What kind of earthy lyrics are these? 】

【Oh my god, I can't imagine that if Ye Tian sang this, I would laugh. Of course, this one doesn't have any sense of disobedience. 】

【Have they changed this song so simply?Why did it become like this? 】

【Unexpectedly nice, but weird】

Song Xiaowen turned her ears back and was able to hear her own voice. The more she sang, the more confident she became.

Your own voice is so nice?
It didn't sound so good before?Has it improved over time?
[Song Xiaowen's singing is pretty good. 】

[The lyrics are really... what they want to choose is the lyrics, right?For girl groups, it’s true that this lyrics is not good, it’s too explicit. 】

[Look at Ye Tian's words. 】

Many people said that Song Xiaowen's singing level is still OK, but the lyrics are not very good.

Ye Tian's fans and other fans of the show, the first time they heard Song Xiaowen's voice, they felt—steady!
This level... To be honest, I can barely pass.Moreover, the lyrics are vulgar and the music is so simple that it is unbelievable.

After Song Xiaowen sang, the trainees on the stage didn't applaud, and the mentors sitting below didn't say anything. Only the host next to her asked Ye Tian to go up and sing.

Ye Tian didn't take any note.

The lyrics are all thought out word by word by her and the group members, which is very impressive.

She stood where she was, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a series of question marks appeared again in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【Is this the same song as the previous one? 】


[This song is so fairy, it suits their group so well! 】

【Ahhh, Ye Tian kill me! 】

[What kind of beautiful fairy is this, ahhh, is she going to heaven? 】

[The voice is so nice, it's so nice, it's so nice! 】

[My God, the difference is a bit big. 】

[No, this is... there is no need to compare, right? 】

[Song Xiaowen's singing skills are obviously much better than Ye Tian's, so Ye Tian's voice is better, right? 】

[Is the friend in front serious?Ye Tian's singing skills are poor?I'll blow your dog's head off! 】

[Ye Tian's song is much more skillful than Song Xiaowen's before. You can find that you can sing along with Song Xiaowen, but you can try Ye Tian's song? 】

As soon as this barrage was posted, many friends who joined in the fun recalled what Song Xiaowen sang just now, um, there is nothing wrong with singing it perfectly, and the feeling is not bad.

Try to follow Ye Tian again.

I opened my mouth, and as soon as I started to imitate, I immediately went out of tune or couldn't sing.

[I tried it, Ye Tian is awesome! 】

[I understand, I understand, these two levels of difficulty are no longer at the same level. 】

[So, why did Song Xiaowen persist?She thinks her song is very good, so do you have to ask Ye Tian and the others to sing it?No! 】

[Now I think Ye Tian is really daring!How dare you! 】

[Fan to fan, what kind of fairy singing is this, I love it! 】

People with long ears think that this time Ye Tian's song is an absolute victory.

Of course, there are also long ears.

[Is that the case?Ye Tian’s reputation is definitely not high, and Song Xiaowen’s obviously has the possibility of a divine comedy. I think it’s better to vote for Song Xiaowen! 】

(End of this chapter)

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