Chapter 257 Down!
[Song Xiaowen, she also has today. Seeing her lose to Ye Tian, ​​I feel extremely happy in my heart, but also extremely sad.Because the lives that have passed away will never see this scene today!

Although I am not a victim, I have been suffering from that incident all these years, my good sister...]

Ye Tian read the news with her mouth open the whole time, Qi Ye was not as surprised as she was.

"Is it so scary?" She only knew that Song Xiaowen looked down on newcomers on weekdays, but she never expected that the other party would do so many bad things.

Netizens were also stunned after watching it, and didn't even speak for a long time.

【What's this? 】

【suicide? 】

【so serious?What else did Song Xiaowen do? 】

[It's a pity she can't see that sentence, it really hurts my heart to see it. 】

[Is it so hateful? 】

It was too late when Song Xiaowen's team found out about it.

Song Xiaowen was furious when she saw the news.

"Is it my fault for committing suicide?"

"Do you blame me for your incompetence?"

"If you're sick, go see a psychiatrist!"

People's hearts will always favor the relatively weaker side.

Especially at times like this.

The film crew can also be regarded as a workplace. The vast majority of people in this world will enter the workplace or enter the workplace in the future.

When this kind of thing happens, everyone will be afraid that they will be the next one, so whether it is to protect others or themselves, everyone will speak out for the victims.

[Song Xiaowen has one thing on the outside and another on the back? 】

【That Ye Tian and the others also...】

[Fuck, I'm terrified when I think about it, I'm really terrified when I think about it, I feel that if I don't do too much, the program team won't be so determined to stand in line! 】

[Song Xiaowen crawls for my grandfather! 】

【My God, how many people has she harmed? 】

"Is she going to die?" Ye Tian looked more and more surprised. Wang Xiaowen debuted for many years. Except for the difficult first few years, it has been smooth sailing since then.

After gaining some fame and the capital behind her support, she became crazy in her work.

Of course, this arrogance is within the scope of her control, at least she won't provoke anyone who doesn't look easy to provoke.

As this skill became more proficient, her 'habit' became more and more out of control.

When she first bullied the newcomer, she might investigate the background of the newcomer, but later on, as things got smoother, she wouldn't investigate.

Qi Ye stuffed a piece of potato chips into her mouth again, then nodded: "Yes."

Many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-destruction. In the past, these people dared not speak out, because everyone did not know how many victims there were, and did not know whether anyone dared to stand up.

If he is the only one who stands up, then...he may be 'disappeared'

But this time is different, this time someone stood up.

Ye Tian's performance gave those people a certain amount of strength.

And after seeing the first person send a message, more and more people came out to talk about their experiences.

"But, apart from not being able to join the entertainment circle, she won't be punished." Ye Tian lowered her head while talking.

After all, what Song Xiaowen caused to those people was only psychological harm, whether it was suicide or suffering from mental illness, none of these could be used as criminal evidence to deal with Song Xiaowen.

But Qi Ye smiled at this moment, Ye Tian raised her head and looked at him suspiciously: "Am I not right?"

(End of this chapter)

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