Chapter 262
At this stage of the program, the trainees in the upper circle already have a lot of fans, and basically a fault line will be formed.

Just like Ye Tian, ​​she has the largest number of fans, basically cutting off the idea of ​​the people behind chasing her.

As long as Ye Tian doesn't have major problems, her debut will definitely be stable.

The fans of other trainees are more convinced by Ye Tian. Ye Tian's previous wave of tough Song Xiaowen also made fans of other trainees more friendly to Ye Tian.

But the fans of other trainees do not include Shi Fei fans.

From the perspective of Shi Fei's fans, they and Ye Tian have a blood feud!
All the fans have a brainwashing bag, how poor Shi Fei was persecuted by Ye Tian in the program group.

Fever became a tool for selling misery, and after that, Pingci Yetian failed, and became a tool for selling misery.

In short, we are the only idols in our family, everyone is the enemy, she must win first, we must work hard.

Under such publicity, it really gave Shi Feila a lot of fans.

After all, everyone sympathizes with the weak. This person is clearly capable, so why should he be treated like this?

I must treat her well!
The brainwashing packages continued to be distributed, and Shi Fei's fans became very capable, like this time.

In order to wash away the 'shame', Shi Fei's fans must increase the number of Shi Fei's fans in the arena, so as to have an advantage in voting.

[About two or three hundred of our people went in? 】

[More than that?We were buying milk and facial masks from the very beginning, and we bought them in large quantities when they first came out, and there were a lot more tickets at that time! 】

With four thousand viewers, it is impossible to select all of them through a lottery, which is really terrible.

The program team came up with a way to release tickets together with the partners. If you buy the sponsor's products, you can get a series of redemption codes. With the redemption codes, you can get tickets on the Starlight Girls website.

Then there are other major media, and various marketing accounts may also have tickets. This needs to be drawn and depends on luck.

In general, buying products has the highest winning rate.

Shi Fei's fans were abused a while ago. During this period of time, they are saving money crazily to give their idols the best!Of course, it is natural that the company is operating behind the scenes.

[Conservatively estimate that there should be six or seven hundred people from us, right? 】

Shi Fei's fans are very confident. This time, Shi Fei will definitely be able to give Shi Fei the first place.

Fans on Ye Tian's side will naturally pay attention to the super talk of other trainees, especially trainees like Shi Fei who have had friction, they will focus on it.

[How many of us went to the scene?So flustered, there are 700 people at Shi Fei?It is still counted, and there should be some that have not been counted. 】

[? ? ?So many people from their house? 】

You know, these are the fans of fifty trainees. Even if you have a lot of Ye Tian fans, it is impossible to occupy too many places. When the Fei family accounted for nearly 20.00% of the people?

[Don't panic, don't panic, we probably have six to seven hundred people. 】

Ye Tian's fans are quite optimistic. After all, they have a lot of fans and passers-by are also good. There are also many Qi Ye fans at the scene, all of them are from their family.

After discussing for a while, the fans didn't take Shi Fei's side seriously.

It was Ye Tian's turn to play. In the audience, the fans of each family brought their idol-colored headbands and light sticks.

The white light belonging to Shi Fei was very bright, and Ye Tian was a little surprised after seeing it.

Shi Fei fan?

(End of this chapter)

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