Chapter 268 A Good News
On the day of the broadcast, all the fans of the trainees squatted in front of the TV to watch this performance.

Especially Ye Tian's fans who didn't arrive at the scene and fans who were interested in Ye Tian because of the Song Xiaowen incident.

There was a series of bullet screens on the Internet, most of which were encouragement to the trainees, mixed with some sour SB comments, overall it was quite harmonious.

However, when Ye Tian hadn't surpassed Shi Fei in the final personal ranking, someone still jumped out.

[Ye Tian's popularity is so high that she can't even compare to the 14th place last time? 】

[Ye Tian is a fake, isn't she? 】

[My God, is Shi Fei so powerful this time? 】

Ye Tian's fans didn't want to speak when they saw these remarks.

Where did the mentally handicapped who didn't attend the nine-year compulsory education come from?

Can't understand Chinese or what?
Where are the rules of the program group?

Can this be embarrassing?
The sunspots have really worked hard, let's add chicken legs after get off work.

[You look puzzled on my face?Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue are in the same group, so it is already very high to have so many votes! 】

[No, if these two people are in the same group, they will definitely split the votes, and the four members of Ye Tian's group are all very strong. Ye Tian can have this number of votes under the situation of splitting the votes, which is very powerful, right? 】

[Looking at the Shi Fei group, Shi Fei alone got more than 2000 votes, and the others added up to only a few hundred votes, which means that half of the audience did not vote for their group?That's scary, right? 】

[I'm dying of laughter, Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue are in the same group, and they still want Ye Tian's votes to overwhelm Shi Fei, to what extent is Fei so trash? 】

Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue were the first and second picks for the first time. They were in the same group, and since only one person could be voted for, splitting the votes was inevitable.

There are quite a lot of fans, and they must vote when voting. There are so many abstaining from voting in the Shifei group, most of them are also fans of Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue.

【We Feifei won!we won! 】

Shi Fei's fans don't care so much, whether you divide the votes or not, we won anyway.

Ye Tian is in the big group rankings, there is no such thing as Shi Fei, if there is no comparison, then there is no comparison.

Shi Fei is the most powerful of them, overpowering Ye Tian.

Others saw these comments in Shifei Chaochao and wanted to wake up these fans, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

Come on, as long as they are happy.

The program continued to air, and the trainees participated in the recording of the elimination again.

The atmosphere this time is much more dignified than last time.

Last time, because of the one-day vacation, everyone looked at their own rankings. The group of people who will definitely be eliminated and those who will definitely survive are not in a panic.

But now, everyone's eyes are darkened. Even if they won [-] votes in the performance or won [-] votes for the first person, but with the tens of millions of votes of Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue before, everyone doesn't think What can these tickets do.

Everyone stood below and watched as the seats above had been reduced to only 25.

Many people felt their hearts beat faster when they touched their hearts. When they saw Qi Ye, their hearts beat even faster.

"Today, we will usher in our second elimination. Of course, after the elimination is over, there will be good news to tell everyone."

Qi Ye's words made people look forward to it, but also didn't look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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