Chapter 271 Rolling
The trainees kept giving numbers, but none of them were Ye Tian's real votes.

"580 million votes."

After Qi Ye said these words, all the trainees in the audience exploded.

"What, how many votes? Twenty-five million? No.500 Shu Ruxue is only a fraction of Ye Tian's votes?"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

The people behind us can't compare to her fraction.

Ye Tian was also frightened. In her previous life, she actually had a lot of votes, but not so high.

In the elimination after the second performance, she only got 700 million tickets.

What's going on this time?

"Ye Tian, ​​is there anything you want to say to the producers in front of the TV?"

Ye Tian stood in the middle and took the microphone.

She doesn't know how to say the word love, and she can't say anything like rainbow fart.

She only had a serious face, and bowed to the camera: "Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard." When she said this, her eyes were full of seriousness.

How to repay everyone?Just keep working hard, make yourself better, and let those who support you know that it's all worth it.

Between idols and fans, there is no need for too much language.

I get it, and so do you.

We are interdependent, but also independent of each other.

After Ye Tian finished speaking, she put down the microphone and walked to the stage. The other trainees whose names hadn't been called were completely nervous at this moment.

The final five spots are the moment to determine the future fate.

Of the remaining thirty trainees, everyone felt that they might have hope.

After all, the difference is not too much.

Those who got [-] votes through group victories were even more confident.

But the results are often not what people can guess. Everyone's announcement is a surprise.

In the end, Lin Yu happened to be stuck in the No.20 fifth place.

It was Ye Tian's second performance with the group, and everyone stayed, which was a surprise.

Qi Ye announced the little surprise he mentioned at the beginning, that is, the top ten trainees this time can go out to record a variety show with Qi Ye, An Yunle and their two mentors.

At the end of the recording of the program, it is still the part of saying goodbye. This time, the scene is even more reluctant than before.

After all, this time, everyone understands each other better.

Ye Tian and the others were a little different, Lin Yu hugged Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue after he came down.

"I didn't expect that I could stay!" Her appearance was not particularly outstanding.

To ordinary people, it may be considered good-looking, but among these one-in-a-million trainees, it is really not good enough.

"you can!"

Bu Ling didn't expect his results to be so pleasantly surprised.

Being with Ye Tianshu Ruxue seems to have good luck.

"The program team prepared a big meal for everyone, and everyone can go to the restaurant now." During the recording at night, most of the trainees did not eat.

Right now.

"What is this, a farewell meal? I can eat with my stomach open today!"

"No, they can eat it openly after they are eliminated, but we can't eat it, should we watch them eat it?" A certain foodie found a blind spot.

After saying this sentence, some people who were still sad because of the elimination, felt a little less uncomfortable in their hearts.

At least, they can still eat freely, the big meal prepared by the program team.

A group of girls flocked out and walked to the restaurant. The other instructors who hadn't arrived at the scene were already waiting for them here.



"Ah, ah, barbecue!"

(End of this chapter)

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