Chapter 290 What Are You Doing?
Do academic gods surf the Internet?

Maybe, but most people don't waste their precious time on idle gossip.

This also made Ye Tian's matter so hot, but Ye Tian's classmates did not speak up.

[Seriously upstairs? 】

【That school?Tell me, see if I have heard of it, is it Pheasant University? 】

[emmm... Pheasant University?That's not the case, is it? 】

He had an impression of the name Ye Tian, ​​but he had never seen it before, so he wasn't sure if it belonged to his school.

Why do I have an impression, because the whole award, the Department of Physics, is her every time, a legend, although I have never seen her before, but the legend of her is circulating throughout the campus!

The full scholarship here does not refer to the kind of full scholarship for studying abroad, but the full scholarship of Yanda is called the full scholarship by students.

The first grade scholarship, national scholarship, subject scholarship, etc. add up, and all of them are called full scholarships. (Don't mind the nonsense)
If it's that big guy...

After the classmate said this sentence, he went to class and didn't pay attention to the comments on the Internet.

Yancheng University received news from Starlight Entertainment that Starlight Entertainment asked Yancheng University to rectify Ye Tian's name, and Yancheng University was also happy to do this kind of thing.

The two sides set a time.

The Internet was still noisy, and Ye Tian lost many fans. Some fans who were notified by the support club and saw the news from Starlight Entertainment chose to believe in Ye Tian.

And this wave of being hacked by the whole network really abused some people.

【Our family, Ye Tian, ​​has never caused troubles, and every time he has been blackmailed by inexplicable people. 】

[No, it's her fault for being pretty and strong?Those pink eyes can't see others well? 】

[Wait, plastic surgery is impossible, and education shouldn't be considered a black spot. 】

There are too many people with low education in this circle, and the issue of education doesn't have a big impact on artists. At most, they are ridiculed for being uneducated... Artists don't rely on education to make a living.

[But I still hope that she has read the book. 】

[Ah, ah, what are you worried about?Does our family's sweet conversation look like you haven't read a book? 】

[I lost a lot of fans, and the number of votes on the voting side did not increase as fast as before. 】

Ye Tian did lose a lot of fans in this wave, many of them fell into the trap because of their appearance, and those who have not come and transitioned from appearance to strength or people encountered such things.

There is still an hour before the start of the live broadcast, and the program group has already started to broadcast the practice of the trainees in the last period.

There were only twelve people left, and the whole building seemed extremely empty.

The dormitory of Ye Tian and the others remained the same, and the twelve people were reorganized into three dormitories, living on the same floor.

In addition to practicing the theme song together every day, it is personal training.

The relationship between the twelve people seems to be good. It seems that Ye Tian and Shi Fei, who had conflicts among fans before, can also eat together.

In the last two weeks, the twelve people watched the previous broadcasts together, ate together, and went upstairs to rest together. Everyone seemed to be talking and laughing, and there were a lot of laughs when practicing the theme song together.

The trainees seemed to be more relaxed. The filters used in this section were all warm-toned, but then the screen changed to black and white.

Viewers holding cellphones or sitting in front of computers were taken aback.

What are you doing?
 The sixth watch is over and strive for more tomorrow, come on, come on, let's go! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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