Chapter 292 Shi Fei is Strong!

Shi Fei also had hot searches during this time, and it looked like she was hacked, but in fact it was deliberately arranged by her company.

Some black hot searchers know that they are particularly mentally handicapped at a glance. This kind is not really for the black star, but for the abuse of fans and solid fans to attract a wave of fans who love her.

This is also the reason why Wang Qing was able to increase her followers after Wang Qing's black hot search was clarified.

Because it's too ridiculous, what's the point of being hacked after doing something good?Let a group of people feel that this person is too miserable, and then want to know her, and then increase the number of fans.

Besides, almost everyone else has black hot searches. If Shi Fei didn't, it would be too abrupt and would be suspected.

But today this is different.

Shi Feiben

Compared with Ye Tian's trending searches, this kind of trending looks particularly dazzling.

It turned out that after Ye Tian's incident happened, some people started picking up the academic qualifications of these people in the Starlight Girls program group.

Most of the people in the program group don’t have a high degree of education. Some of the younger ones have just graduated from high school, and the older ones are mostly studying in universities, but most of them are from schools of film and television and music.

Generally speaking, Wang Qing, an ordinary undergraduate, and Wang Qing have one book of the eight classics in college.

Shi Fei was an accident. She has a high degree of education and is a well-known college in China. After being picked up, she immediately became a hot search under the operation of the company.

[Entertainment Circle Gossip V: Shi Fei studied Chinese Language and Literature in the Chinese Department of Yanming University. [Picture][Picture][Picture]]

In the picture are alumni's comments on Shi Fei. They are all beauties who came out of ancient paintings. They are very gentle, have super good academic performance, especially like to help others, school belle and so on.

Yanming University is one of the top universities in the country, and when the graduates go out, they basically ask the school and they will be hired. Shi Fei's degree is considered top in the entire entertainment circle.

【Is Shi Fei so good?I think she is very decent when she speaks and what she does, and she is comfortable in doing things. She really has read the book! 】

[My God, Yanming University?My goal!This school scores very well! 】

[Shi Fei's degree can crush everyone among the Starlight Girls, right? 】

[Upstairs, be confident, this education can crush 90.00% of the people in the whole country]

[Ahhh, Miss Shi Fei is not only beautiful, but also highly educated, I love it! 】

Shi Fei seemed to be in contrast to Ye Tian. Shi Fei now had the second most votes and Ye Tian the first.

But after this news became popular, Shi Fei's number of votes increased rapidly. Many people felt that Shi Fei's being suppressed was a bit unjustifiable?And still crushed by a sweet leaf?

The fans on Ye Tian's side were more anxious, but in the fan group, the big fans held down everyone who wanted to vote.

Sweet Coffee: Don't panic, don't panic, what is Yan Ming?Everyone trust Ye Tian!

The big fans who already knew about Ye Tian's education last night thought it was a joke when they saw Shi Fei's hot search.

Yanming University is indeed a top university in the country, but compared with Yancheng University, it is a world apart.

After all, being in Yancheng, Yancheng University can be named after Yancheng, which proves its status.

But now, those sunspots jumping on the Internet are still carnival.

This feeling that everyone is stupid and I am alone is really refreshing.

Shi Fei's management team is also very satisfied with the effect of this trending search.

The live broadcast was still going on. Twelve people had finished dancing the theme song, and the next was a solo performance.

The first one is Ye Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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