Chapter 294 Did You Have Plastic Surgery?
"What's the problem?" Ye Tian knew something was wrong, but she wasn't too worried, and didn't ask too much.

She doesn't have any black spots to blacken, and she knows what's going on in her heart.

The only thing I did wrong in my life was to run away from home, and now I've lost my way.

"Netizens are very curious about your face."

Before the host finished speaking, Ye Tian stretched out her hand and rubbed her cheek.

"Is there any plastic surgery?"

After Ye Tian heard it, the smile in her eyes disappeared instantly, but the corners of her mouth were still raised.

"What do you think? You ask me this question, do you want me to recommend a plastic surgery hospital?"

When Ye Tian said this, the barrage in the live broadcast went crazy.

[? ? ?Really plastic surgery? 】

[Admitted? 】

"Then there is no way to recommend it. It is inherited genetically. Unless the friends who asked the question are reincarnated and become my younger sister, they will not be able to follow me."

Ye Tian said with regret on her face.

Someone was drinking water in front of the screen, and he spit out a mouthful of water after hearing this.

【? ? ? 】

[Hahahahaha, you are so funny. 】

[Is this not an admission?Does this mean that you are born like this? 】

The host was also taken aback, he didn't expect Ye Tian to answer like this, but it's okay.

"I don't know where everyone's doubts come from. Plastic surgery will cause the face to collapse and be unnatural. Do you think my face looks unnatural?"

After Ye Tian finished speaking, a short video unexpectedly appeared on the screen behind her.

It was Wang Qing and Ye Tian who were playing games, making all kinds of faces at each other.

"Childish." These two words that Shu Ruxue uttered with rare tenderness and helplessness ended the whole picture.

This clip has never been released before, and the audience in front of the mobile phone screen and computer screen almost rubbed their faces with their hands after seeing this.

[? ? ?I always thought that Ye Tian was a very cool person, who could be salty but sweet, but I didn't expect that he could also be silly.Why are you tossing your face like that?Can we know it's true? 】

[Maybe because she stayed with Wang Qing for a long time and would be assimilated? 】

[No, no, look at Shu Ruxue next to her, she's fine! ! ! 】

[I'm knocked, knocked, sunny CP is really stupid! 】

【? ? ? 】

[What the hell is really stupid, everyone who is in CP with Wang Qing will become 'stupid' in the end? 】

After watching the video, Ye Tian blushed a little: "Didn't you agree that this episode won't be broadcast?"

After playing with Wang Qing, she regretted it, and she didn't know what happened to her that day.

"It was an accident." The program team had already edited this clip, and it was originally planned to be broadcast, but was stopped by Ye Tian.

Now there is no good evidence for Ye Tian's plastic surgery. After all, even if you go to the hospital for an examination, some people will not believe it.

Now this difficult facial performance is a proof, after all, the silicone face can't stand such a toss.

"The first problem has been solved, but netizens still have a second problem."

When it comes to academic qualifications, everyone cares more.

Ye Tian's fans also care more, more than plastic surgery.

After all, in this circle, there are a lot of plastic surgery, and everyone is used to it. As long as your business ability is passable, does it matter whether you have plastic surgery or not?

However, education is a hurdle for many fans and passers-by.
Where are the traditional ideas.

"what is the problem?"

"Everyone is very concerned about your academic qualifications and wants to know which school you attended in college."

(End of this chapter)

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