Chapter 30 Showdown
Shu Ruxue in her previous life did not become one of the last six people to debut, because her character was really unpleasant.

If Wang Qing is naturally dumb, then she can be regarded as naturally straight.

It's different from Xiao Yixuan's pretending.

She is real, she speaks and does everything straight, and if others do not do it right, she will despise and criticize in front of the camera.

Therefore, this also led to the fact that although she is strong, she still has not made her debut.

Ye Tian herself likes this person better. After all, Shu Ruxue really looks down on opportunistic people, but she also really likes to make friends with powerful people.

The book describes Shu Ruxue as a cannon fodder, the kind of existence that targeted the heroine in the early stage and allowed the heroine to gain a large number of fans.

Ye Tian remembered very clearly that before the last performance, this girl proposed to let someone else take Shi Fei's place because she couldn't sing well in Shi Fei's own part.

Because of this incident, she was scolded by Shi Fei's fans as a scheming whore, and wanted to take away the C position that Shi Fei worked so hard to get.

Shu Ruxue never argued for herself.

This time, Ye Tian felt in her heart that she didn't mean it at all, she just heard what Xiao Yixuan said just now, and temporarily regarded Xiao Yixuan as her own kind.

I think Xiao Yixuan is also a person who likes to challenge the strong, so I choose to give her a chance.

However, this remark, in the ears of others, seemed extremely arrogant.

"Is she too confident?"

"She and Xiao Yixuan are the same, right? Are you so sure that you can win?"

The other trainees were extremely surprised. If such words were released, they would definitely be hacked.

It’s okay if you win, but if you still lose…

"I accept your challenge!" Although Xiao Yixuan was puzzled, she still stood up. After all, this battle cannot be refused.

"Please trainee Shu Ruxue choose a duel event." Qi Ye's voice sounded without any emotional fluctuations.

The discussions among the trainees didn't seem to make him change the expression on his face.

[Robot without emotion.jpg]
"Sing and dance!" After Shu Ruxue finished speaking, there was another sound of breathing from the seat.

Singing and dancing is the most test of a person's overall quality, and it can even be said to be a test of a person's physical fitness.

As trainees, it is very difficult for them to sing accurately while dancing.

Even some idols who have debuted can't keep their breath steady while dancing.

This is very challenging.

Especially for solo singing and dancing, if there is no one else to help share the link, then you have to support it by yourself.

If one is not handled well, the stage effect will be greatly reduced.

"The challenged one starts first!" This is an additional program, which requires coordination and preparation from the program group for a period of time.

After the two reported the accompaniment they needed, they prepared for a while, and the battle officially began.

Standing on the stage, Xiao Yixuan was actually a little nervous.

After all, the program team didn't tell them in advance that there was a battle, and they didn't prepare much for other stages.

This link is completely a test of personal ability.

Ye Tian looked at Xiao Yixuan standing on the stage with some curiosity, looking forward to the next duel in her heart.

I am looking forward to the duel between myself and Xiao Yixuan!

After all, in her opinion, the duel between Xiao Yixuan and Shu Ruxue was completely without suspense, and Shu Ruxue would definitely win.

This girl is very strong. She was in the team before, and in order to cooperate with the team members, she restrained part of her strength.

After Xiao Yixuan finished dancing, she stood beside her continuously panting, watching Shu Ruxue start to dance and speak, her face instantly turned pale.

 Qi Ye: My expression only changed because of one person.

  (Hey, please recommend the five-star praise and collection of tickets!)

(End of this chapter)

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