Chapter 302
After the host finished speaking, everyone knew that the main event was coming.


Six Pointed Stars is a girl group launched by Starlight Entertainment. According to the rules, although these six people have their own agency, they must put group activities first in the past two years. If individual activities and group activities conflict, then individual activities must be abandoned.

"Six-pointed Star will record the first group variety show and the first group album after forming a group."

[Tuan Zong! ! ! 】

【Woooooh, I really want to see how my sisters get along with each other】

[Wang Qing is a living treasure, and Ye Tian may also be transformed into a living treasure. Needless to say, Xing Ranran is a little genius.I don't think it's going to be boring. 】

After the announcement, the stage has been handed over to six people.

They need to dance the theme song of Starlight Girls again to end for Starlight Girls.

The six people stood in line to form a triangle.

Ye Tian stood at the front.

[Congratulations on the finale!Congratulations!Hexagram, the starlight is bright, and the light does not scatter! 】

[Six-pointed star rushes the duck! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 】

[Is Shi Fei's debut a bit outrageous?Did no one say it?Are her fans really hoarding tickets? 】

At the deadline, Shi Fei's number of votes was basically the same as She Qiao's.

But after the announcement of the formation of the group, everyone's votes were made public, and Shi Fei strangely threw away She Qiao by ten votes.

Yes, by ten votes.

Shi Fei's own team couldn't believe the number of votes.

"Boss and Starlight Entertainment bought the quota?"

"If you can buy it, buy it early, Starlight Entertainment doesn't take hard and soft, and the quota is not sold."

"Then is this really a coincidence? Is it really only ten votes higher?"

When Shi Fei's fans and She Qiao's fans saw the number of votes, one was happy, but the other's mentality collapsed.

[Ten votes, we are ten votes short! 】

[I don't know what to say, accept fate, your sister is not worthy of debut! 】

[Is there really no problem with Shi Fei's number of votes?why?ten votes?Are you kidding me? 】

What does ten tickets mean to star chasing girls?
It means that there are only five member accounts, which means that as long as one more person switches to vote in the last minute, they can surpass Shi Fei.

Is this really a coincidence?
"Create a coincidence?" The man's lazy voice sounded again in the office where the signboard was hung with garbled characters.

"It's just recycling waste."

"What are you going to do next?" The subordinate finished his work and stood outside respectfully.

He didn't understand why Shi Fei had already failed, why would he send her to debut?

Does the boss think that Shi Fei can still succeed?
"What should I do?" His voice dragged on for a long time, "I have to think about it."

"After all, my goals are somewhat different from hers. It is a great thing for me that she stays with Ye Tian."

The subordinate lowered his head after hearing this, not knowing what was so good about it.

"Today is a good day." The man stood up, stretched himself, and stood by the window "Six-pointed star?"

"This name is really ugly. It's as ugly as Starlight Entertainment."

"However, it is indeed a day worth celebrating." His expression changed quickly from cloud to cloud, making it difficult to tell whether he was really happy or was planning something.

"Go, open me a bottle of red wine. I want to celebrate." After he finished, the subordinate quit, and the whole room became silent again.

 Hee hee, guess who this person is!

  Then guess his relationship with Shi Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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