Chapter 317 To save or not to save

Did Qi Ye in his previous life know about this?

After the Ye family was obtained by Shi Fei by means, did Qi Ye do anything?

The book Ye Tian saw was broken when Shi Fei got it from Ye's family and stood in front of the family's grave with flowers in her arms. I don't know if something happened to the author.

Is there any necessary connection between her rebirth and the book being cut off in the middle?

If Shi Fei really liked Qi Ye, why did the description of Qi Ye in the book become less and less?

"Tiantian? What are you thinking?" An Qinyuan called Ye Tian a few times, and Ye Tian fell into her own world.

After hearing it, I came back to my senses.

"Think about what mom said just now." She hugged the small pillow, looking stuffy.

"What, are you still jealous? Why are you acting like a little jealous jar?" An Qinyuan said with a smile.

Shi Fei's eyes were indeed interested in Qi Ye, but Qi Ye didn't give her either.

An Qinyuan was very satisfied with this.

"It's not because of this!"

Ye Tian retorted, and An Qinyuan next to her smiled, took her to her side, and rubbed her head: "It's normal to be jealous, because you care about him. But no matter what the reason is, from the day you established a relationship , you should trust each other."

"It's like your father, who used to come home in the middle of the night. If I suspected him of fooling around every day, I would have gone crazy. But I understand, it doesn't mean I'm not jealous." After An Qinyuan said this, Ye Lan sitting next to him instantly sat up straight.

The situation seemed to be a bit wrong, and the fire was set on him: "Honey, how about I accompany you to the island that Yu'er just bought a while ago for vacation in a few days? Just the two of us!"

"Hmph!" An Qinyuan rolled his eyes at him, then continued talking to Ye Tian.

"Mom, I'm not jealous!" Ye Tian wouldn't give Shi Fei a wink!And he could always trust Qi Ye.

She was just thinking about things just now.

"Okay, okay, no, sweet no."

"It didn't exist!" Ye Tian repeatedly emphasized.

An Qinyuan looked at her and laughed, but Ye Lan who was next to her didn't dare to say anything.

I'm afraid that when I talk, I don't have time to spend time with my daughter-in-law and children at home when I was young, and my daughter-in-law will talk about it again.


"When did Dad say we were going to the island with Mom?" Ye Tian changed the subject and turned An Qinyuan's attention to Ye Lan.

"Ye Lan?"

"You can go whenever you want. I have time anytime." Make time even if you don't have time.

Ye Tian sat beside her and covered her mouth and smiled.

Mom was right.

No matter what happened in the previous life or what was written in the book, it is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is now, between the two of them, they should trust each other.

Ye Tian's mood improved again, and the family watched the show again.

Now it was the werewolf who had dispatched to kill Shi Fei.

Shi Fei did not get the resurrection props.

At the same time, the two witches also got news that Shi Fei was killed.

[An Yunle now feels that she is in the third camp, so she probably won't rescue her. Wang Qing should be able to save her, right? 】

[Wang Qing really doesn't necessarily know how to make a move. 】

[What do you say upstairs? 】

[Because I feel that Wang Qing has not understood the rules yet. 】

"Shi Fei was killed, do you want to use the antidote in your hand to save her?"

The first time Wang Qing heard this sentence, she felt very happy.

Save Shi Fei?Why save?
(End of this chapter)

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