Chapter 321 Don't read the news

This variety show has a lot of loyal viewers because it is broadcast on weekends.

Everyone has been tired all week, and watching this show on weekends is especially relaxing.

Because you can see all kinds of jokes that the guests in it bring to you intentionally or unintentionally.

[This issue is too brain-burning, I was dizzy watching it, and I didn't see many things. 】

【Ye Tian is really a big devil, this kind of reasoning ability is really terrifying! 】

[The god of learning at Yancheng University, it's not surprising that he has this reasoning ability. 】

[This is not only reasoning ability, but also eloquence! 】

[Yes, yes, if I hadn't stood in the perspective of God, I might have been fooled by her. 】

Wang Qing also sent a message at this time.

[Six-pointed star-Wang Qing V: I don't care, the matter of not inviting me to dinner can't be solved @六点星-叶甜. 】

Wang Qing didn't know that Ye Tian was the first to propose to vote her out.

And only after seeing everyone's analysis did she know that she should choose to save Shi Fei for the first time.

Ask her what she thinks now, that is regret, very regret.

[Hahahahaha, touch your head. 】

[Baby, how about playing Werewolf with me? 】

[Baby Qing doesn't cry, we can accompany you to play Werewolf Killing for you to win! 】

[Hahaha, have you figured out the rules now? 】

The rules of werewolf killing are not complicated, but people who play for the first time are always prone to various problems.

Is what others say true or false?
What should I do?
It's okay if you get the civilian card, but once you get the priest card, you will be very flustered.

What to do?What is the right thing to do?Wang Qing was like this when she was playing.

And it was still on the show, she was even more nervous.

[Six-pointed star-Ye Tian V: Okay, okay, I will treat you to dinner in a few days, how about a big meal? 】

Of course Ye Tian's Aite's is Wang Qing's manager.

The account of Wang Qing's manager also has a lot of fans now, the reason, of course, is what Wang Qing said in the first issue of Starlight Girls.

[Hold the grass, you are so ruthless! 】

[? ? ? ?You are so capable of @无感情的经典, don’t you know that @无感情的经典 is Wang Qing’s manager?If you were @无情的经典, can Wang Qing still eat the big meal you invited? 】

【Hahahahaha, what happened between you guys?Why did Ye Tian have an extra black-bellied attribute? 】

[You are su and sweet, and you have a dark belly. How many faces do you have, a woman? 】

【Women are changeable [狗头]】

【Wang Qing was delighted when she saw Ye Tian's words in front of her, but when she saw Aite behind her, her face suddenly changed. 】

She directly opened her bubble app and began to explain to her manager.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: brother, don't open your red eyes now.

An Emotionless Broker: Why?
He just turned off the Red Eye app, the show has already finished broadcasting, the reverse is very good, and there is no problem with the general direction.

No need to stare.

Tell him not to look now?
No, I want to see it!

Thinking about it, he opened his red eyes again, and as soon as he entered, his phone was stuck.

This is why there are too many messages.

? ? ?What did Wang Qing do again?
Netizens cyberbullying agents?

The manager's heart trembled a little.

Although a little uncomfortable, he still clicked on his message carefully.



"Wang Qing!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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