Chapter 328 What's the matter with you?
She is different from others. Others took three days off, but she was forced by the company to do other things.

The company used the reason that it invested countless money in her to let her attend two dinners in three days.

Although those fat pig bosses who seemed to be fat enough to be killed didn't do anything to her, they let her drink with her.

Liquor, red wine and beer are mixed with each other to accompany drinking.

It's not that Shi Fei doesn't drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Her stomach feels uncomfortable after drinking too much, not to mention mixing several kinds of wine together?

She really wasn't pretending this time, it was really uncomfortable, she had a dull pain in her stomach, and she wanted to vomit anytime.

His face was pale because he vomited too much.

She sat on the sofa and watched Wang Qing and others wandering around the house.

Looking at Shi Fei's appearance, Wang Qing was very concerned about her: "Are you feeling unwell?"

"Stomach pain, I had a stomach problem yesterday." Shi Fei didn't want to say too much.

Looking at the five people in front of her now, her eyes were full of hatred, but the hatred was well hidden by her.

Why don't other people need to do those things?
Is she the only one who needs to bear so many things?

Why can they laugh so loudly?
The gloomy emotions grew wildly in her heart, but she had to maintain a smiling face on the surface, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Is there any medicine? Feifei has an upset stomach!" Wang Qing had no contact with Shi Fei for a long time afterwards.

She still has a certain affection for Shi Fei. After all, when the two of them shared the same dormitory, it was Shi Fei who took care of her every day.

The staff had already paid attention to the comments made by netizens on the Internet, but looking at Shi Fei now, something was really wrong.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"The official recording will only start tomorrow, and it will be fine to come back by then. Are you having a stomachache?"

The staff crouched in front of her and looked at her with worries in their eyes.

Several other people also stopped playing and turned to look at Shi Fei.

"I have a stomach problem. It's an old problem. I've had it since I was a child. It's okay." Shi Fei smiled miserably with a pale face.

"Let's take a look at the hospital. What if I get sick again during the show?" Wang Qing said straightforwardly.

If Shi Fei hadn't had any problems during the live broadcast before, maybe she really wasn't just No.6.

You know, all the companies are staring at their ranking.

The resources available to No.6 and No.5 are absolutely different.

"Yes, yes, the program team has a car to take you to the hospital immediately. Let's talk to the director who will record the variety show tomorrow, and try to delay the time as much as possible."

"Everyone understand!" The staff was afraid of making mistakes on the first day.

"No problem, you can start anytime." Everyone understands that illness cannot be delayed.

Even those who think that Shi Fei is not well, think it is best to seek treatment first.

"I wasted everyone's time." Shi Fei was indeed very uncomfortable, her stomach was rolling, and she wanted to vomit, but she didn't want to vomit in front of these people in front of her.

The staff took Shi Fei out, and at the same time, the six-pointed star combination Red Eye also sent a message.

[Six-pointed star group v: Thank you fans for your concern. We have noticed Shi Fei's problem. It is because of Shi Fei's own stomach problem. Now I have taken her to the hospital~]

After seeing this article, many fans feel that there is no problem. Stomach problems. Many people have them. It is very common. Is it normal for a celebrity to have stomach problems?

But Shi Fei's fans don't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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