Chapter 330 Live Streaming
Wang Qing likes yellow very much, but she doesn't want her room to be that color.

Because warm colors can make people very appetizing! ! !

Red, yellow and orange will whet your appetite, and you will eat more without knowing it.

And she, Wang Qing, a fairy girl who will gain weight if she drinks water...

"What's wrong?" Ye Tian felt that there was something wrong with Wang Qing next to her.

"Will my room be yellow?"

"Very likely." Doesn't Wang Qing like yellow?

"But in this case, I can't steal food in the room." In case I accidentally eat too much, I will gain another catty on the scale the next day...

The manager will kill her, right?

"I tend to gain weight easily. I read some information before, saying that warm colors can enhance people's appetite and make people eat more unconsciously."

Her voice was so loud that the people next to her could hear her.


"Then how about changing the plates we eat to green in the future?"

"Isn't white just fine?"

"Aren't the black ones less appetizing?"

Xing Ranran and Wang Qing are obviously very concerned about this issue.

The staff next to him recorded this passage after hearing it, edited the video for post-processing, and sent it to Red Eye.

[Six-pointed star combination v: #王清的减肥小研究# Let’s take a look at sister Wang Qing’s weight loss tips! [video]】

【What?No wonder fast food restaurants generally have red plates! 】

【No wonder fried chicken looks so tempting! 】

[No wonder the green chicken wings and blue chicken wings make people lose their appetite at first sight]

【upstairs? ? ?What have you been through? 】

[Has anyone noticed that the five people without Shi Fei look extraordinarily harmonious! 】

[Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense!Sister Shi Fei is the best! 】

Watching the video of five people having fun together, and then watching the atmosphere where Fei Zai is not quite right sometimes.

The fans of a few people didn't say anything in their mouths, but they understood it in their hearts.

Not to mention the fans of the four of Ye Tian, ​​after their debut, everyone got along very harmoniously, because the relationship between the four of them was fine.

Ye Tian, ​​Wang Qing's fan team, was also very grateful. If it hadn't been for what Ye Tian said at the beginning, Wang Qing might not be able to get out, let alone stand in his current position.

The five of them have already debuted, so they don't need to be afraid of each other like in the Starlight Girls program group.

Hello, me, hello, everyone is correct.From now on, it will be a group, one prospers and one loses all. After the brand of Hexagram is launched, one of the members has an accident, can the other members get away with it?
But Shi Fei's fans didn't think so, they dreamed of making Ye Tian look ugly, make a big fool of herself!
It seems that this is the only way to prove that they are right.

Fans follow idols, maybe this is the reason.

Ye Tian and the others finished looking at their room. Wang Qing's room was light yellow, not that thick yellow, and looked relatively small and fresh. She was relieved.

For the other people, the rooms are also arranged according to their cheering colors. After all, the cheering colors are their favorite colors.

After watching the dormitory, the staff Gao told everyone that the trainees need to start a live broadcast this afternoon.

The content of the live broadcast is determined by oneself, and you can do whatever you want. Of course, Wang Qing's hot pot live broadcast was directly rejected.

Ye Tian thought about it, how about live fishing?Or live cooking?

 Really, warm colors will make people eat more involuntarily! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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