Chapter 347 System Repair
[Everyone, stop arguing, I am that person! 】

【Ah, yes, I will definitely cook for you in the future. Although I don’t know how to do it yet, I can learn right away! 】

[Choose, criteria for choosing a spouse? 】

[Hahahaha, look at our babies, what's the matter, what's wrong with not knowing how to cook?Just find someone who can do it in the future]

[Is this a new standard for choosing a spouse?Choose a boyfriend according to how delicious the food is, okay? 】

[Six-pointed star-Wang Qing v: It doesn't matter if no one cooks for you, there are takeaways anyway! //@六点星-Ye Tian:……]

Wang Qing's words hurt her heart, and a group of people in the comment area laughed like fools.

Doesn't this mean that Ye Tian can't find a boyfriend?

People who can't find a boyfriend, only deserve to eat takeaway?

Ye Tian saw it, and there was no disturbance in her heart.

Someone cook for her!Someone did it!
Qi Ye is very good at cooking!Also delicious!

I won't eat takeaway!

Wang Qing is the one who can only eat takeaway for the rest of her life!

Ye Tian didn't reply, but ate two extra ribs angrily.

But because of what the two said, Ye Tian's criteria for choosing a mate also became a hot search.

Followed by several others.

Only Shi Fei didn't have it at all, but that's normal, after all, Shi Fei was in the hospital, and the live broadcast wasn't too long.

And it's not very interesting, singing some nursery rhymes to fans in the live broadcast room, the voice is still so weak.

If it doesn't attract passers-by, it won't be on the hot search.

After Shi Fei turned off her live broadcast, she entered Ye Tian's live broadcast room.

While watching, he complained crazily.

She can make tomato scrambled eggs like this, do you still think she is cute?

She peels potatoes and almost peels them off!
The other two are useless. They're not cooking, they're singing, right?

The four of them made the kitchen a mess. Fortunately, Shu Ruxue didn't catch any live fish, otherwise something might happen!

After Shi Fei finished reading it, she felt very uncomfortable. She wanted to see if anyone on the Internet criticized Ye Tian for being stupid, but after clicking on it, her mentality immediately exploded.

What is this all about?

The other five people are all on the hot search?

"By the way, Feifei, do you want to interact with them? Ye Tian, ​​Wang Qing, and the others are all interacting on the red eyes." The staff guarding her has changed.

Shi Fei had an infusion all afternoon. After the live broadcast ended, she watched the live broadcasts of several other people and took a break.

Now, her complexion seems to have recovered a lot, and because of the rest, she is in good spirits now.

"No need." Shi Fei turned off her phone, feeling that the staff next to her seemed to be watching her joke.

Everyone in the group except her is on the trending searches. Is this something to be happy about?
Let her send a message now, doesn't that mean that Shi Fei now needs to rely on the enthusiasm of the other five teammates?
She doesn't need it!
At this moment, a long-lost voice sounded in Shi Fei's mind.

[The system is repaired, and the host points will be liquidated]

【Settlement in progress...】

Shi Fei suddenly became happy, and the staff next to her felt a little baffled.

"Miss, I want to eat something." Shi Fei's tone of voice was obviously much gentler.

The staff next to her looked at Shi Fei's expression just now, and thought in her heart that this was completely different from what she had heard before.

But now, seeing Shi Fei's expression, she became a little dazed again.

It must have been uncomfortable just now.

"Okay, okay."

When the staff left, Shi Fei's expression became gloomy again.

(End of this chapter)

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