Chapter 358 Am I Joining an Organization?

When Wang Qing saw the invitation, he was a little confused for a moment.


What kind of group is this?

But there was nothing he could do, and he had already been pulled into the group chat.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: welcome!
Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: welcome, welcome!
Wang Qing: Am I joining the organization?

After finishing that sentence, he was pulled in, no matter how stupid Wang Qing was, he knew the reason.

It turns out that the other four teammates don't like Shi Fei?
This was really big news and it shocked her.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: You can't say that, this was originally a small group in our dormitory, and now it's not bad as our group.

In Wang Qingxin's mind, Shi Fei was no longer a member of their group.

At the very beginning, Wang Qing had a certain liking for Shi Fei, but as she got more and more in contact with the show, Wang Qing felt that something was wrong with Shi Fei.

Although everyone around said that Shi Fei was good, she didn't think so, and after knowing that Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue thought the same way, she became more determined in her heart.

Wang Qing: OK, this will be our combined group from now on.

No one said anything, but Wang Qing felt much more at ease.

Ran Ran also wants to shut up: change the name, change the name, change it to ours!
Qingqing is calm: Is this okay?

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: yes, yes!
Tiantian wants to drink milk: I have already contacted Sister Ai Jia about the online matter, and it will be resolved by then.Qingqing go to rest!

Ye Tian had already contacted Ai Jia when everyone was chatting.

Shi Fei's operation is really coquettish. When fans attack her teammates, does she really not know what the fans are doing?
To express your love for fans at this time, isn't it to show that you are very supportive of what they do?

Ai Jia thought that there would be no moths when she was resting today, but she didn't expect that Shi Fei would do something like this?
What good does it do her?
Qingqing calmly: Well, I'm fine, it's just that I can't accept it for a while.

Qingqing is calm: she was so good to me before, is it all fake?
During the period when her foot was injured, Shi Fei gave up some practice time to help her, she was really touched.

But now, why do this?

Of course, Shi Fei didn't know that Wang Qing had joined Ye Tian's group.

Just looking at what my fans said, I feel at ease.

It is true that she does not have an advantage in the number of fans, but her combat effectiveness is really strong.This is thanks to the cultivation of the company during this time.

Tore up with Ye Tian, ​​was abused after that, and then suppressed in various ways. It is not that the company has not made any changes in its marketing methods.

Shi Fei is in a terrible situation in my family, everyone must help her.

Why is Shi Fei so miserable, everyone, come on!

The weak can always arouse people's desire for protection. Shi Fei's team uses this method to arouse everyone's desire for protection.

Now that the initial results have been achieved, fans need to be converted later. As long as Shi Fei becomes stronger and stronger, this group of fans will become more and more loyal, because in their view, it is because of them that their idols can Come to today.

Shi Fei is very sure that she can become stronger and stronger because she has a system.

[System, how much is my favorite value? 】

[The favorite value is negative, please get enough favorite value within one week, otherwise punishment will be taken. 】

(End of this chapter)

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