Chapter 360 Why

The next day, Xu Ying drove to Ye Tian's house.

This time, because the car had a pass, it was not stopped.

Ye Tian had already packed up and waited for Xu Ying to come over.

"Get in the car." Ye Tian didn't wear any makeup, but only wore a mask.

After going to the magazine later, there will be a special makeup artist to do makeup, she doesn't want to do this herself.

As I thought yesterday, the paparazzi are already squatting at the door.

After seeing the message sent by Shu Tong, the company already had a plan, and being photographed by the paparazzi today is also a plan.

Ye Tian is not very worried.

But Shu Tong on the other side was looking forward to it.

"How about paparazzi?"

"It's been arranged." The assistant was very worried. On the one hand, he felt that this matter was not going well, after all, ants couldn't shake the big tree.

Starlight Entertainment is such a big tree. If you want to punish Starlight Entertainment's editor who is currently the most favored by the top management, it is simply courting death.

But these words, the assistant has no way to say it, she directly signed the contract with Shu Tong, and it is true that Shu Tong treats outsiders very badly, but he treats his own people very well.

"That's good."

"You said, why does Xingguang insist on Ye Tian? All kinds of resources, don't pile them on Ye Tian like money?" What Ye Tian has now is really too enviable.

She is just a newcomer who has just debuted for less than half a year. She can have such a high degree of discussion, so many fans, and can compete with her seniors who have been in the company for many years for resources.

"This... probably because of her potential. After all, with that face, standing in the entertainment industry can earn enough dividends. As long as she doesn't make any principled mistakes, she will definitely be able to stand firm in this industry. Yes." After being in the circle for a long time, I know it.

What is the most important thing in this circle?
Is it acting?The ability to sing?or something else?
No, no, the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry, all you see is a face!

With a good-looking face, you have an innate advantage in this circle. With good promotion, it is not impossible to become a hit.

Ye Tian is like this now. Although she doesn't have any works that can be sold, she looks good!
Even a vase is the best looking vase in the world and who doesn't love it?
"Potential? I think it's an unspoken rule." Shu Tong disliked these things the most. She suffered too much when she debuted, and her heart was almost distorted due to the bitterness.

Now he finally made it through, but was robbed of the most valued resource by a rookie?
"Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense? The company has set up a special department for Ye Tian, ​​and the best team in it. The public relations, publicity, and agent teams have been prepared during this period of time."

"Tell me, I've been out for so long, and until now you are the only assistant who belongs to me completely!"

"She just debuted, so she deserves to have her own studio?"

The more he talked, the more dissatisfied Shu Tong became.

The assistant next to him didn't dare to speak, so he just stood there.

"Here, here, the photo." At this moment, the paparazzi photo was passed to the assistant.

"Contact sent!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away." The assistant nodded, feeling that what Shu Tong said was not unreasonable.

At this time in the evening, someone came out and broke the news.

(End of this chapter)

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