Chapter 362 What do you think of me?
When Xu Ying heard this, she saw the person who wanted to come up to hug Ye Tian.

His immediate reaction was: who is this?
The second reaction was: No, you can't let a strange man have such close contact with Ye Tian.

So, under Ye Tian's gaze, Xu Ying walked up and was embraced by the other party.

"Oh, my God, where did the stinky man come from?" He took a step back, and Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind, couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Xu Ying hasn't disliked the other party's scent② yet.

"Teacher Tony, why are you here?" Ye Tian was a little surprised, and then thought of something from her previous life.

It didn't look much like yesterday, but after seeing Tony today, Ye Tian suddenly thought of her previous life. This front-line magazine invited Shi Fei to shoot this issue.

Because it didn't cause any sensation, and this was indeed a request made by the chief photographer.

Apart from raising a wave of attention for Shi Fei, nothing else happened.

Could it be that it really has something to do with Teacher Tony?
"What do you think? Tom is my old classmate. After seeing the photo of you and me, I will never forget you." When Tony said this, his face was full of helplessness.

Xu Ying, who was standing beside her, also thought of what Ye Tian asked yesterday.

What is the relationship between tom and tony?
No, do you really have a relationship?

"I knew you were coming over this year, so I came here to give you makeup!" Ye Tian's face was the most perfect he had ever seen, bar none.

Tony is very satisfied to be able to make up such a work of art.

"Aren't you the make-up artist of Starlight Entertainment?" Ye Tian thought Tony was the make-up artist of Starlight Entertainment before, and wondered if she could ask him to join her team after a while.

But looking at it now, it's not like that.

"Oh, no, it's just that Starlight Entertainment hired my team. After all, there are so many of you there, and Starlight Entertainment doesn't have so many makeup artists."

"Go and change your clothes first, and then we'll start." Teacher Tony pointed to the cloakroom enthusiastically, Ye Tian nodded and walked in.

Xu Ying stood by and looked at Teacher Tony with a vigilant expression.

"Teacher Tony?"

"Are you Tiantian's manager? Tsk tsk tsk, standing next to Tiantian, it's more than one degree ugly." Tony was hugged by Xu Ying just now, and he was very upset at the moment.

Men and women can't accept each other, okay?
He's still a virgin now, and if he cuddles with an ugly man, he won't be able to find a boyfriend in the future!

Mr. Tony is very principled. If it is a handsome man, then it is another matter. What about an 'ugly man'...

Hearing this, Xu Ying's mouth twitched constantly, but his good professionalism allowed him to quickly adjust his mentality.

I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I do look ugly.

"When did Mr. Tony meet our Ye Tian?" From Ye Tian's tone, this one used to be in Starlight Entertainment?
"I'm Starlight Girl's makeup artist." He sat down and said casually.

"Thank you for introducing Ye Tian to Teacher Tom." Xu Ying continued.

Teacher Tony waved his hand and didn't care: "It's a coincidence, sweet baby is so perfect, it's not an exaggeration to let the whole world know her."

Xu Ying: Well...better than fans

"By the way, is your team short of a makeup artist?" Tony pointed to himself after speaking: "What do you think of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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