Chapter 365
After the staff figured this out, they looked at Xu Ying who was sitting next to him, and became enthusiastic in an instant.

"Brother Xu, do you want some water?"

Xu Ying took the mobile phone and reported the matter to Ye Ming. Hearing what the staff next to him said, he stopped what he was doing, raised his head, and replied with a smile: "Thank you, no need."

"Just tell me what you need." Ye Tian should come here often in the future, and now she has a good relationship with Xu Ying, and if she gets acquainted with her, she will be regarded as a network in the future.

People who can work in this kind of place are not stupid. If there are many people who come and go and have seen it, they will naturally become very oily.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much.

The shooting on Ye Tian's side was extremely smooth, Teacher Tom's face was full of red, and those who didn't know thought he drank fake wine.

The staff next to him were also very surprised. When Mr. Tom used to shoot, most of them just 'cope'.

According to him, those people are completely unworthy of his real skills.

But Ye Tian was different. Ye Tian's photos made Tom put out [-]% of his strength, and he kept applauding during the shooting.

At the very beginning, his exclamation could startle the staff standing next to him, but after he arrived, everyone liked it.

Harm, what else can I say?

It was two hours after the shooting ended.

Tom still has some ideas, but Ye Tian is like a dead cabbage.

Too tired to take pictures!
Woo woo

"Ye Tian." Tom called Ye Tian's name, Ye Tian turned his head, and the other party's eyes glowed like a hungry wolf.

Ye Tian subconsciously took two steps back: "Teacher Tom, the shooting is over." She doesn't want to see the camera or the photographer now.

Tom stood in front of Ye Tian, ​​his eyes full of anticipation: "Looking forward to our next cooperation."

Ye Tian's eyes widened, and she wanted to shake her head subconsciously.

No, no, she wasn't looking forward to it.

But looking at the other's longing eyes, she still swallowed her saliva and nodded: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned her head and looked at Xu Ying. Xu Ying came over with 'understanding' and said with a smile, "If there is an opportunity in the future, we must cooperate more."

"That's no problem! Whatever Ye Tian has to shoot in the future, just call me, I have time anytime!" After hearing this, the staff next to her kept complaining in their hearts.

Remember the little traffic last time?

When someone first arrives, you ask him to stand up quickly and finish the filming. When the other party dawdles for a while, you say: Do you think I have a lot of time?
Any time now?
Oh man.

Of course, the staff beside him dare not say more about these words. Tom is not only the chief photographer of fashion, but also one of the shareholders of fashion.

From some aspects of this magazine, he really has the final say. If he says he has no time, he has no time. If he says he has time, he has time.

"Honey, there is one more thing." Teacher Tony admired for a long time, and felt that what Tom said was not an exaggeration at all.

He hadn't seen such a lively Tom in a long time.

Thanks Ye Tian.

She is such a baby.

"What?" Tom didn't know much about various things in the entertainment industry. After all, he didn't need to know too much.

"That's right. It's being said on the Internet that Ye Tian stole the opportunity to shoot the cover of a fashion magazine."

"How is that possible? I invited her myself!" Tom yelled.

"Yes, so we would like to ask you to clarify, there are a lot of attacks on Ye Tian on the Internet now, she is just a newcomer who just debuted..."

After Xu Ying finished speaking, Tom took out his mobile phone and looked at the comments on the Internet.

The more he looked, the darker his face became.

"What nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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