Chapter 368 Double Arrow

[Starlight Entertainment V: After a friendly negotiation with Ms. Shu Tong @朱通, the contract between the company and Ms. Shu Tong has expired and will not be renewed. I wish Ms. Shu Tong a bright star. 】

The contract between Shu Tong and Starlight Entertainment is still one month away, and Shu Tong is actually still waiting and watching.

If Starlight Entertainment wanted to keep her, in her opinion, they had to offer better conditions than the next one.

However, after the assistant told her about the news from Starlight Entertainment, Shu Tong couldn't bear it anymore.

"What did you say? Starlight Entertainment announced that they would not renew their contract with me? Are you still negotiating amicably?" This was a unilateral announcement by the company!
She did want to change jobs before, but she is still waiting and watching.

After all, Starlight Entertainment does have a lot of resources. As a member of Starlight Entertainment, he can get more opportunities.

It's just that there are many resources, so it doesn't necessarily favor her. This time, when she contacted the next family, firstly, she really wanted to leave. After all, she would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and secondly, she wanted Starlight Retention of entertainment.

Creating such a trending search this time is actually to put some public opinion pressure on Starlight Entertainment.

"Yes, look..." The assistant's expression also changed.

Starlight previously meant to continue to discuss, but now it has directly issued an announcement.

Shu Tong looked at the news.

People say that the fewer the words, the heavier the message.

Starlight Entertainment's short sentence directly blasted out all the melon eaters today.

【? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

A series of question marks expresses everyone's current mood.

Everyone originally wanted to watch Starlight Entertainment continue to issue subpoenas to fight against those rumormongers, but they didn't expect to get such a big melon.

Shu Tong hung up on Ye Tian to grab resources on the front foot, and terminated the contract with Starlight Entertainment on the back foot.

This is before leaving, don't you forget to step on your old club?
[Why didn't Shu Tong renew his contract with Starlight Entertainment?Unbelievable]

[I also think that her head was kicked by a donkey? 】

[I think what Tom means is that Starlight Entertainment originally wanted to win resources for other people, but Tom disagreed, and the resources ended up in Ye Tian's hands? 】

[No, Starlight Entertainment died wronged. It's fine if you don't get it after fighting for resources for a long time, and you will be bitten by one person. 】

[Although this resource is rich and does not flow to outsiders, I still think that Shu Tong's approach is not right. I wanted to say it in the morning. Everyone belongs to the same company, so why do it so badly? 】

[No, no, you are wrong upstairs, it is not a company anymore [狗头]]

[This is a job change, do you want to give a gift to the new owner? 】

There was a big reversal, Tom's words had justified the name of Starlight Entertainment, the resources were really won for Shu Tong, but it was just a temporary replacement of the magazine, Starlight Entertainment was really wronged.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was scolded all morning, was really wronged.

There is also Tom's sentence. The unspoken rule everyone is talking about is not just Tom. Obviously this big guy misunderstood and was very angry.

Ye Tian's fans can be regarded as elated.

【Ahhh, Tiantian is really great, every time she uses her strength to refute the rumors, (for a moment I feel so useless, I have to rely on idols to protect me every day)】

[Woooooh, Fenyetian is really worth it!Fans never have to worry about her! 】

[I went to the rankings, woo woo woo, I have nowhere to vent my passion, sweet and milk have always been double arrows! 】

[Playing the rankings, wasting a whole morning!Although it is already the first, everyone still has to work hard! 】

[I'm going to hit the charts, and I have to save money to buy an album!Go, go, go! 】

Ye Tian's fans went crazy, and the others were miserable.

Looking at the various voting rankings, the gap between Ye Tian and Ye Tian has become even bigger, but now, the gap has suddenly been widened.

It is so big that the people behind give up directly.

Is that human being?
(End of this chapter)

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