Chapter 372 You are too bad
This so-called popularity was brought about by the groundless abuse all morning, not only Ye Tian was hurt, but also those fans who supported Ye Tian.

First of all, Ye Tian herself would never say the so-called forgiveness. This is a torture to herself, because the damage has already been done. Apart from compensation, what is the use of forgiveness?Just to reassure the perpetrator.

Moreover, she feels that she is not qualified to forgive others on behalf of her fans.

This morning, not only Ye Tian was attacked, but also Ye Tian's fans.

How could she forgive a perpetrator on behalf of others?

"From the moment you sent that message on purpose, it is doomed that I will not be able to forgive you."

"Also, you did all the hot searches and paparazzi this morning, right? Did you ever think about what kind of harm I would get when you were doing things?"

After Ye Tian asked this sentence, Shu Tong froze in place.

Does she know?

Of course she knew, if she didn't know, she wouldn't do such a thing, she just knew what the consequences would be, that's why she did it.

He wanted to make Ye Tian look bad, and even blackmail Ye Tian, ​​in this way to make her happy when she just lost her resources.

"Did I do something wrong?"

After Ye Tian finished asking, Shu Tong lowered her head, she bit her lip, wondering if she should continue talking.

For a moment, the entire office fell into silence.

Ye Ming coughed and drew Shu Tong's eyes to him.

"I called you here mainly to clarify one thing."

"Ye Tian did receive preferential treatment in the company, and I didn't hide it." To build a special team for Ye Tian, ​​these were done in front of everyone.

He is frank and frank, and he is not afraid of anyone's comments.

After all, no matter from the perspective of the relationship between Ye Tian and Ye Ming's brother and sister, or in the long run, it is worthwhile to invest in Ye Tian.

"What I want to tell you is that Ye Tian is my younger sister who owns 20.00% of Starlight Group's shares." After Ye Ming finished speaking, Shu Tong's eyes widened, as if he couldn't digest it.

"Do you think we need to continue talking?" After Ye Ming finished speaking, he looked at Shu Tong's reaction amusedly.

Shu Tong recovered from the shock.

"I understand." After speaking, she looked at Ye Tian, ​​this time her expression was more sincere than before.

She didn't put Ye Tian in a position equal to her before, and she apologized to Ye Tian only because only by apologizing to Ye Tian and getting forgiveness, could she continue to stay.

But now, the relationship between Ye Tian and Ye Ming is shown, and their names prove everything.

In relation to the various things that have happened during this period of time, Shu Tong now has no way to put Ye Tian in the same position as himself.

It was disdain before, but now it is unworthy.

This time, her apology was more sincere: "I'm sorry." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left Ye Ming's office.

Ye Ming watched Shu Tong leave, and said with a smile: "For a long time to come, she will be afraid that she will not get any resources, and when she gets the resources, she will wonder whether we have tampered with it." ,

People who are used to using small ideas to disgust others will be very afraid that others will use the same way to target themselves.

Ye Ming told Shu Tong about Ye Tian's identity, the first is to let Shu Tong understand why, and the second is to put a certain amount of pressure on Shu Tong.

"You are too bad." Ye Tian looked at his smile, although she said so, but her expression showed that she also agreed with such an approach.

How to repay virtue with virtue?
(End of this chapter)

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