Chapter 383 Who Knows
"Shi Fei."

"The makeup you painted on her just now? What's the matter, her face is ugly?"

It's not that there are no stars in the entertainment industry who look like ghosts after taking off their makeup. If they don't wear makeup, they are more passerby than passers-by.

The six members of the six-pointed star group have different appearances and personalities, and Shi Fei is following the girl-next-door route.

In other words, she is unassumingly beautiful and looks ordinary.

With such an appearance, if you still rely on make-up to get it up, it is really hopeless!
"No, no, the face is still very good, very tender, enviable, full of collagen." She took a deep breath.

"Mainly, the neck, the neck!"

"What's wrong with the neck? Are there neck lines?"

"There are hickeys!" Everyone here is not so innocent, whether it is a hickey or a mosquito bite, everyone can tell at a glance.


"Is it such explosive news?" As an idol who just debuted, having a boyfriend is definitely explosive news.

"That's right, it's a bit scary to look at it densely packed. Doesn't her boyfriend know that she is shooting today? So hard? Or is it because she is too possessive?" Several makeup artists sat around in a group, chirping excitedly .

Working in this kind of place, many things can't be said, so it's okay to just say it in this dressing room, and everything else you see can't be spread out.

"Shi Fei is 21 years old, right? It's not surprising to have a boyfriend."

"I don't think it's necessarily a boyfriend, and the sponsor's father can't say for sure."

"That's right. She just made her debut. Where did she find the time to find a boyfriend? Could it be that she did it in college?"

"What if people have deep feelings?"

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, just ignore her."

"No, I think it's very likely that there is a patron. Do you remember the little flower who came to our place to shoot before? It's the same with the neck."

In the first-line magazine cake makeup artists, most of the people who can be counted in the circle have made up, most of them are forgotten, but some people will leave a deep impression on them.

For example, the temper is too bad, or the person is particularly nice, or there are some melons.

"She and Shi Fei are in the same company."

"But isn't Shi Fei's character set like to invite an innocent little girl?" The words such as helpfulness, leading sister, first love face are all on Shi Fei.

"Personal design is human design."

Some makeup artists who have not been in the circle for a long time feel that their three views have been shattered when they heard their discussion.

What the hell?

"I thought this girl was pretty good before, and I've been chasing Starlight Girl's variety shows all the time!"

"I like Ye Tian very much, Qiang, don't make it."

"Yes, it's just that Ye Tian should also have a background. She was hacked so many times before, and she suddenly turned around."

"Ye Tian also has a patron?"

"That's not even possible."

Ye Tian and the others didn't know about the discussion among the makeup artists, and Wang Qing and the others didn't care if they didn't discuss who Shi Fei's boyfriend was.

As long as it doesn't affect them.

After the filming, there were many fans at the door.

In order to protect everyone's safety, the magazine sent two cars. The first car left first, and several people remained inside the magazine.

After the fans were attracted away, another car drove out in a low-key manner.

Everyone rested at the hotel for a day, and returned to Yancheng tomorrow to start preparations for the upcoming tour.

(End of this chapter)

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