Chapter 388 Where is Qi Ye Going?
"Qi Ye..." She put down the bowl in her hand and called out Qi Ye's name.

Qi Ye turned his head and looked at Ye Tian's eyes, feeling guilty for some reason.

What happened all of a sudden?
All of a sudden, his expression seemed to change.

"what happened?"

"Do you have another house out there?" The house with the album looked unrenovated.

"There are many, do you want to go to another house to have a look?" Qi Ye didn't realize the meaning of Ye Tian's words for a while.

Isn't it normal that he has many houses to his name?
Ye Tian puffed her mouth, seeing that Qi Ye didn't admit her trumpet, she wouldn't say it either.

"If you have time, you can go!" For example, she is very interested in the small villa!
I just wanted to see what Qi Ye was hiding inside.

Qi Ye didn't get the meaning of Ye Tian's words, but thought that she was just on a whim or that she watched too many of those not-so-good trending searches.

Like a cell phone or something.

He doesn't have two mobile phones, but he has two houses in one, as long as Ye Tian wants to look at it, he can do it anytime.

"The ticket I gave you is a private room." Ye Tian changed the subject and did not continue.

Just wait for him to find out for himself!
"Well, it's a bit far away from you." With Qi Ye's current popularity, it is obvious that he can't go to the infield. The infield is too dangerous, and it is too easy to get hot searches.

Both teams have a plan for what will happen between the two.

When they don't want to disclose their relationship, two people don't need to agree too much.

There is no benefit to Ye Tian in being tied together, and Ye Tian's own strength doesn't really need to be tied up with Qi Ye.

Give Ye Tian some time to develop, which is good for both of them.

After all, Ye Tian is just a newcomer now, and if she spends too much time with Qi Ye, it will make Qi Ye's fans feel unhappy, and Ye Tian's own fans will also have opinions.

Ye Tian needs to rely on her strength, she doesn't need to rely on anyone.

"I'm looking at you!" Ye Tian smiled. Although she couldn't see Qi Ye clearly in the box from where she was standing, it was enough to know which direction he was in.

Qi Ye nodded with a smile, and when Ye Tian finished eating, Qi Ye coaxed Ye Tian to bed, and then returned home by himself.

This time, leaving from the crew and returning to Yancheng was completely kept secret.

No one except Ye Tian's manager and crew knew he left there.

But at this time, there was an extra revelation on the Internet.

【I heard that Qi Ye left the crew yesterday. 】

[Is there anything wrong with leaving the crew?Stars are not completely without other jobs during filming. 】

Many people on the Internet didn't pay much attention to the news.

Isn't it normal for stars to leave the set during filming?
Although such things as pricking scenes are disgusting, it is very normal to go out for a few days to participate in variety shows during filming.

After all, it's all about food.

[No, are the people upstairs who said normal things serious?Who doesn't know that Qi Ye always joins the group once, and won't leave in the middle of the filming unless the filming is over!And Qi Ye never appeared on variety shows! 】

[Is the person who said he never appeared in a variety show selective amnesia?Isn't Starlight Girl a while ago a variety show? 】

【Where does Qi Ye go?Live by the sea?What if it's just something wrong? 】

[Be bold, hexagram's debut tour recently!Maybe you went to a concert? 】

(End of this chapter)

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