I conquered the entertainment industry with my beauty

Chapter 39 Do you want to prepare in advance?

Chapter 39 Do you want to prepare in advance?
The gazes came from below, and the moment Ye Tian looked down, everyone withdrew their gazes.

"Next, teacher Zhao Wu will demonstrate it to everyone!" Because it is a girl troupe dance, and Zhao Wu is the only woman among all the instructors, so this task was given to her.

After Zhao Wu danced, the trainees were surprised that they needed to cooperate.

"My God, this dance is so difficult, do you remember?"

"No, I just memorized a few moves."

"Teacher Zhao Wu danced well!"

After everyone finished talking, the instructors said a few more words, and the shooting here ended.

The trainees need to go back to the dormitory to pack up their things and start filming when changing dormitories.

On Ye Tian's side, she simply packed her things, said goodbye to Wang Qing, and walked out with her dormitory number and floor.

There is a training room in the dormitory building, the training room is on the first floor, and the dormitory of Class A is on the third floor.

Ye Tian dragged her luggage and walked forward, and a staff member behind her asked her questions.

"Ye Tian, ​​are you looking forward to the new dormitory?"

"I don't expect much."

"Why?" The staff asked in a somewhat surprised tone.

"Because I've seen what it looks like." After Ye Tian finished speaking, she pointed to an open room next to her, and said helplessly.

The camera immediately turned around and pointed at the room Ye Tian was pointing at.

"It's too late for you to ask." She spread her hands and made a helpless expression.

The staff were a little surprised by Ye Tian's ability to respond, but they didn't say much. They followed Ye Tian to find the room number, and they walked in.

Currently there are only 11 people in Class A, no matter what, there will be three more people.

The trainees on the top three chairs were assigned to the same dormitory, which also meant that there were currently only three people in Ye Tian's dormitory.

"Do you like pink?" The whole room is decorated in pink, the bed, clothes, and walls are all pink, which looks cute.

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment, but nodded slowly.

There are a small number of girls who don't like pink, and some people say they don't like it, but do you look at it when you buy something?

Ye Tian was the first to come in. She packed up her things, chose a bed and walked over.

Class A's bed is a bunk bed, and she chose the lower berth.

In order to protect the privacy of the trainees, each bed has a curtain.

"What do you think of the pink jersey?"

"so cute."

"How about another adjective?"

"Dress like a little sweet pig?"

The staff was once again speechless.

She marveled at Ye Tian's ability to make stems in her heart.

As soon as this dialogue spreads out, the three words "Little Fragrant Pig" might become synonymous with members of Class A.And those who say these three words will naturally be able to enjoy the dividends of this pronoun.

The work of sending Ye Tian here was completed, and the staff turned off the camera and prepared to leave.

"Miss Sister and Brother Camera have worked hard, goodbye~" Ye Tian watched them leave, and then said.

When the two heard this, they both smiled at her politely.

With a good personality, stalk, and strength, how can he not be popular?
Ye Tian didn't know the staff's mental activities, she ran to the toilet to change her clothes, when she went out Shu Ruxue had already come in, seeing Ye Tian, ​​her eyes were very excited, she came up and hugged Ye Tian.

"We live together!"

"Yes, you are welcome!" Ye Tian also smiled. Among the top three, she, Shu Ruxue and the other Li Qian can all get along well in general.

However, after the hug, Ye Tian suddenly thought of what happened in the previous life after everyone arrived at the dormitory.

She swallowed and looked at her suitcase.

Do you want to prepare in advance?
 Ye Tian: Everyone's recommendation tickets have been updated?
  Qi Ye: Did you see that voting button?Click it and select Vote! !
  Everyone in the Ye family: Everyone, pick Tiantian, let Tiantian make her C debut! !

(End of this chapter)

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