Chapter 392 An Extra Assistant?
After the end, everyone went back to their lounges to have lunch and rest.

After Ye Tian left, Qi Ye kept reading the news in Ye Tianchao's chat with his mobile phone.

Seeing the excitement of the fans outside, he was also extremely excited.

For those songs in the Hexagram album, he collected Ye Tian's parts and listened to them basically every day.

Although the song is incomplete, you can hear Ye Tian's nice voice.

Previously, which song "Breaking the Cocoon" that Ye Tian sang on the stage of the Night of Perfection was also Qi Ye's favorite. Every day's thoughts seemed to turn into the amount of songs played, repeated over and over again.

Ye Tian will sing a new song today.

Starlight Entertainment will also improve the audio, and after the tour is over, all the songs sung by everyone will be put on the music platform.

Eight shows, eight different songs.

When Ye Tian came back, Qi Ye was looking at the contents of Chaohua.

Ye Tian opened the door, saw Qi Ye sitting on the sofa, and rushed over.

Qi Ye raised his head, hurriedly threw the phone on the sofa, stretched out his hand, and hugged her: "The rehearsal is over?"

"Yeah, take a break in the afternoon to prepare for makeup, and the concert will start at seven o'clock in the evening." The planned time is two and a half hours, the songs on the album plus the songs sung by everyone, plus singing other people's songs, There are almost twenty poems in total.

"I saw the playlist." Generally speaking, there are still relatively few songs distributed to everyone, but even so, it is very tiring.

The weather is so cold now, the performance must not go out wrapped in thick clothes.

"Wait for me to sing it to you!" Ye Tian nestled her phone in his arms, nodding, looking at what to eat for lunch.

"I just called my family. I asked my family to deliver food at noon. The takeaway is not very hygienic. You have to perform in the afternoon, so you should be more careful." Qi Ye looked at Ye Tian's phone and said directly.

In the morning, he thought that since Ye Tian had gone out, why not go home and cook?

But thinking about it again, it was obvious that Ye Tian's car was going out at this time, there was no way but to have the food delivered from home.

"Okay, after today's performance is over, how about going out to eat?" Ye Tian turned her head and wrapped her arms around Qi Ye's neck.

What's the fun in life if you can't eat delicious food?
Although Qi Ye's small vegetarian dishes are delicious, Ye Tian thinks that the delicious hot pot and big meal are more palatable.

Qi Ye smiled and nodded while rubbing her hair: "It's good to be patient, the food made by my aunt at home is also delicious."


Ye Tian squinted her eyes with a smile, and Qi Ye hugged her, the two of them were like conjoined twins, stuck together, they wouldn't let go.

On the other side, Shi Fei's assistant stood beside her.

"I saw that Ye Tian had an extra assistant today." The assistant was chosen by Shi Fei herself, and she thought it was very good.

This assistant is slick and smart in everything she does. She knows what can and cannot be done. During this period of time, she has helped Shi Fei a lot.

"Assistant? Her company has arranged for her again?" Shi Fei still can't figure out why Starlight Entertainment treats Ye Tian so well.

Logically speaking, Ye Tian is just a newcomer.

But her resources are so good that countless people shed tears with envy.

"Yes, but that assistant is wearing a mask and looks mysterious." The assistant whispered in Shi Fei's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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