Chapter 398 Looking around
Tony has been in this circle for so many years, so he naturally knows some of the twists and turns.

He stopped what he was doing and said, "She is caring, so it's good if you are more caring than her. Now you know what those people hate. Isn't it easy?"

"However, these staff members are only following you for this show, and they will leave after the concert ends tomorrow. There is no need to spend so much effort." It is impossible for the concert preparations and backstage staff to follow them all over the country.

"Do you think so too?" Ye Tian looked at Qi Ye.

Qi Ye nodded.

In his current position, he doesn't need to do things to please others.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't understand the twists and turns.

"Rush ahead of them and do everything that should be done. In the end, everything they do will not only be in vain, but also be blamed." Qi Ye continued.

People are like this, if there is no one to send them warmth, I think it’s okay to just greet them, but what if someone stuffs them with a big red envelope of 100 yuan before greeting them?That must be a better red envelope.

The person who comes to greet her later will naturally be compared. Seeing that everyone else has stuffed a red envelope, she will only play lip service, what a sting.

In this way, it will naturally make the other party thankless. After all, those staff behind the scenes are not noble people. kind words.

"You're so bad." Ye Tian said to Qi Ye, who looked at her helplessly.

After hearing what Qi Ye and Tony said, Luo Yue, who was next to her, also felt that she really didn't think too much.

When I was training in the company before, I only gave them some basic things, and I had to wait until the artists were with me to learn the rest.

"Then, shall we do this next time?" Luo Yue looked at Ye Tian and asked.

Ye Tian shook her head, "It's not necessary."

"You do this once, and you have to do it every time in the future, otherwise people will think that what you did before is fake."

"Where do we have the time to think about those things? If we forget once, those things that we have managed before will bounce back to us."

There is a saying that if you treat him too well, he will take it for granted.

When one day you treat him a little bit badly, he will think that you are no good.

"I understand." Luo Yue listened by the side, remembering what the three of them said just now.

Ye Tian changed her clothes, and Tony began to apply makeup to Ye Tian.

There will be a lot of clothes changed during the concert, but the basic makeup will not change.

After the first set of clothes is changed, I put on makeup, and after I leave the stage, I only need to touch up the makeup.

"The ticket check is about to start, why don't you go to the private room first?" Ye Tian said to Qi Ye.

Qi Ye was sitting next to Ye Tian, ​​watching her make up.

"Okay." He stood up.

Luo Yue hurriedly said: "I'll go out first to see if there is anyone outside."

Outside, Shi Fei's assistant is always there.

Shi Fei didn't need her for makeup, she was very curious about who was in Ye Tian's room.

I always feel that the person looks very familiar, even wearing a mask, there is a sense of familiarity.

At this time, the door of Ye Tian's lounge opened.

She pretended to be passing by, stretched her neck, and looked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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