Chapter 403 Whose fan?
Ye Tian's family was also present today, but they were not in the box.

After all, apart from An Yunle and Ye Ming, no one in their family showed their faces outside.

Sitting in the box is too far away from Ye Tian, ​​and people can't see clearly, but sitting in the VIP seat in the infield is different, you can clearly see Ye Tian's appearance.

As long as the family is not particularly busy, they basically get VIP tickets for the infield from various channels. More than 20 people came to the scene.

The fans in the infield saw a very strange scene.

"That uncle over there looks like he's in his 40s? Still chasing stars? I don't know who his fans are?"

"Yes, yes, there is another one over there, and it looks quite old."

"I didn't expect our six-pointed star fan group to have such an age?"

"And the one next to you, did you see it? The aura is so strong, and he's so handsome. He came to the concert and was wearing a suit hahaha, so serious!"

This is the first tour, and there is no live broadcast on the Internet. After all, there are eight more shows, and the first show will be broadcast live. What will happen to the subsequent shows.

After discussing with six people, the company considered that many fans could not get to the scene because of various Nascent Souls, so they started live broadcasting during the eighth tour.

But soon, everyone will know whose fans these people are.

They all held pink aids in their hands, and they knew it belonged to Ye Tian at a glance.

The older middle-aged man and the handsome guy who looks like a domineering president, holding a pink light stick in his hand, looks quite unique.

Six people came on stage.

The lights suddenly focused on the stage, and the surrounding lights went out, only the light sticks held by the fans flickered.

For the sake of effect, the company still refused everyone to bring light signs into the concert, and it was allowed to bring light sticks of different colors.

After all, something like a light sign is relatively dangerous, and it is tiring to hold it.

There is no live broadcast of this tour, and everyone can't go back to watch the live broadcast after holding a sign.

So the company deliberated, and finally agreed that everyone should bring headgear, light sticks and other things, but all the light signs were rejected.

Under the stage, fans shouted the names of their idols.

There are not many group fans. The domestic form is professional, and the stars who are drafted are originally fans who tear each other up. It seems that no one is pleasing to the eye. How can there be group fans?
Even if there are, it is impossible to like all of them, just one or two of them.

Therefore, Starlight Entertainment didn't give the team any supportive colors when the six-pointed star made their debut. The colorful colors are also pretty good. Anyway, it depends on the popularity of the stars.

After Ye Tian came to the stage, the voice below was the loudest.

Countless pink fluorescent sticks are waving below.

The Anjia people also kept posting news in the group.

An Yunle: I will definitely be there for my next concert!

He has a job in another place now, so he really can't leave, otherwise, no matter what, he will go to see the first tour.

This can be regarded as Ye Tian's first official stage.

How could he be absent?
An Qinyuan: It's a pity, it's a pity, we are all down here, I bought the best video camera, and I also took a photography course.

Speaking of which, An Qinyuan began to take pictures of Ye Tian for a long time.

The girl sitting next to her was naturally also stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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