Chapter 406 Is This the Power of Knowledge?

The school's official account released a few photos of Mr. Zhao when he was young. The young man in the photos is really full of the sun, moon, stars and lonely courage. His high-spirited appearance is unforgettable at first sight.

But now, comparing the photos, netizens can't help but sigh.

【Professor, what made you bald? Is this the power of knowledge? 】

[The power of knowledge is too scary, right? 】

After everyone knew that one of Ye Tian's fans who watched the Hexagram concert was an old man who was a professor at a top university, he never said the word "wretched uncle" again.

After all, intellectuals have too much immunity in this country.

What's more, this incident was not Teacher Zhao's fault in the first place.

[Well, you are all discussing Mr. Zhao, but the one next to you is also a big bull! 】

【Mr. An Qinyi, you are familiar with the one from the last high school, right?That's the person in the textbook! 】

Several people who were sitting together were pulled out to discuss it.

Is this the power of knowledge?

Ye Tian vermicelli quality
These hot searches went up quickly.

Everyone talked about the old professors going to the concert, and felt that they seemed to be getting closer to these people.

Ye Tian's fans are also overjoyed, who doesn't want their idol to attract those high-quality fans?
And these few are not just a matter of high quality, they are top talents. People like this have gone to Ye Tian's concert!

Isn't this just a side note of Ye Tian's excellence?
Ye Tian and the others didn't know what was happening online, they were just performers doing their best.

This is everyone's first stage, everyone is doing their best, and wants to show everyone the best of themselves.

Ye Tian looked at the fans in the audience who were waving her cheer-colored glow sticks, then raised her head and fixed her gaze on Qi Ye's box.

Qi Ye has been looking at Ye Tian.

Although there were several other people on the stage, they couldn't catch Qi Ye's attention.

The first song was sung, followed by the second and third.

After the three consecutive songs ended, everyone left the stage, and the host came up to control the field, and also played a video clip of several people rehearsing.

After the six people left the stage, Ye Tian was going to be on stage next, and Ye Tian was going to sing a solo song.

This song was hidden in the audition on the playlist, it only showed that Ye Tian was going to perform solo when she was qualified, but she didn't say what she was going to perform.

General concerts have such links, choosing to hide some songs to surprise fans.

Now Ye Tian's fans are looking forward to what song Ye Tian will sing.

Qi Ye was also looking forward to it.

After Ye Tian quickly changed her clothes and touched up her makeup, she stood on the lifting platform and appeared in front of everyone.

The fans in the audience were shouting Ye Tian's name, and Ye Tian also smiled at the fans in the audience.

She was wearing a simple white dress, and the makeup on her face looked extremely pure.

Looking at this appearance, everyone didn't know what Ye Tian was going to sing, but they probably had some guesses in their hearts.

It should be a relatively small and refreshing song.

"Could it be the song Ye Tian sang on stage for the first time?"

"No way? It shouldn't be!"

Some people were discussing in low voices, and when the accompaniment sounded on the stage, countless people showed surprised expressions.

Qi Ye who was sitting in the box also sat up straight, staring at the person on the stage intently.

(End of this chapter)

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