Chapter 408

Luo Yue was so ruthless that she didn't expect that, like the netizens, she thought they were all fans.

She already knows that Ye Tian is the little princess of Starlight Entertainment, but are all her relatives so awesome?

In addition to the domineering president, there are also big names in various fields?

"Well, isn't that right, who is here?" Ye Tianxin roughly had some guesses.

She also doesn't really think that her charm is so great that those who are addicted to the laboratory all day will give up the experiments in their hands and come here to watch her concert.

Therefore, it is more likely to be a family member.

"Professor Zhao Tian, ​​Professor An Qinyi, and Professor Mu Le."

"Well, they are all people I know. Did you say something on the Internet?" Ye Tian was not too shocked when she heard it.

The other two knew that they were abducted by their uncles. The three of them had a very good relationship a long time ago. Although they did not study in the same direction, they complemented each other.

It is not a strange operation to meet together to watch a concert.

"At first, Professor Zhao was scolded on the Internet, saying that he was a bald and wretched uncle. After being recognized by the students, the trend changed, and it became that the quality of our fans is high."

"I know, there is no need to respond, just treat them as fans." Ye Tian said with a smile.

"And please don't take photos of amateurs." Ye Tian thought of this, and Luo Yue nodded hastily.

"I've contacted Brother Xu about this, and I've already told the support club, and the support club immediately sent a message to restrain our own fans, and we can't control other fans."

"That's all."

Ye Tian's fans are now immersed in great joy.

Everyone started to show off their academic qualifications.

How can someone who falls in love with Ye Tian not have a high degree of education?

You graduated from the TOP of idols in the country, you can't miss it.

[Now I feel that I am not worthy of my idol, woo woo woo, I have to study hard! 】

[I have to study hard too, woo woo woo, and try to get admitted to idol's university! 】

[Learn, learn!Get into a good university! 】

For a while, Chaohua was full of fighting spirit.

[Woooooo, can I become a student of these professors in the future?I want to fan my idol with them! 】

[Several teachers only lead a small number of graduate students, most of whom are doctoral students, but there are also very few.Under normal circumstances, no one is accepted. 】

At the stage of doctoral students, teachers accepting students has already involved in the aspect of inheritance. A good teacher naturally has very strict conditions for accepting students. There are two different terms for guiding students and accepting students.

But these few people really touched a large number of Ye Tian's fans, making them want to get into a good school.

The fans of my idol are so good, how can I hold back?

Not to mention being the best, at least not being the worst, right?
With this in mind, Ye Tian's fans directly set up a Ye Tian study club, specializing in learning.

And set up a study scholarship exclusively for Ye Tian fans, stipulating that those who score more than one in the test can get the scholarship.

Luo Yue also knew the fan's movements immediately, and got in touch with the person who founded this study session.

The other party is a rich second generation, a fan of Ye Tian, ​​and a student of a prestigious school. After chatting with the other party, Luo Yue said that Ye Tian will spend a sum of money every year to do this, but there is no need to give Said the fans.

This is Ye Tian's meaning, good things must of course be supported.

After talking about this matter, people were called outside, Ye Tian hurried out, leaving all the problems after that to Luo Yue to solve, if Luo Yue couldn't solve it, she would find Xu Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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