Chapter 415 What Are Your Plans?

After washing his face and hands, Qi Ye continued to cook, Ye Tian went outside, Ye Lan and An Qinyuan were looking at something together.

"Baby, come, let's take a look at the photo Mom took for you." An Qinyuan watched Ye Tian come out and waved to her.

Ye Tian walked over with the soup and sat beside An Qinyuan, looking down at the photos that An Qinyuan had imported to the tablet.

Each one is beautiful.

"Let's choose the best one, print it out, and hang it on the wall." As An Qinyuan said, Ye Tian beside her blushed a little.

Want to hang your own photo on the wall in your home?

It feels so narcissistic...

" need."

"Then choose some good-looking ones and let mom make a photo album, okay?" An Qinyuan naturally saw that Ye Tian's face was a little red, and after thinking about it, it's really not suitable.

Ye Tian took a sip of the soup, nodded, and got together with An Qinyuan to choose photos.

The photos taken by the top-notch cameras are excellent in terms of resolution and color rendering, and Ye Tian in those photos is also more beautiful than the other.

After looking at all the photos, it seems that there is not much difference.

"Mom took a lot of your solo performances, but since the movements are all similar, let's just choose a few." An Qinyuan looked at Ye Tian with some difficulty, and said again.

When Ye Tian sang, she sang really well, and An Qinyuan also captured a lot of good shots, such as when she raised her head and looked at Qi Ye's box, the look in her eyes was heart-stirring.

"Is Xiao Qi sitting over there?" An Qinyuan asked by the way when she saw the photo.

Ye Tiandian nodded: "He can't appear outside, so he can only be inside the box." Once Qi Ye appears in the concert, there will be hot searches.

After all, among star-chasing girls, who doesn't know Qi Ye?

Even if you're not a fan, you still need to get to know the top streamers in the circle, and what's more, Qi Ye is not just a top streamer.

"What are your plans now?" Ye Tian is almost 20 years old, and women can get a marriage certificate when they are 20 years old.

The matter between Ye Tian and Qi Ye should also be discussed at this time.

"Let it be." Ye Tian took another sip of the soup, feeling a little flustered.

I don't know what my mother thinks of Qi Ye?
"That's fine. We watched that child grow up. If you can be together, we won't stop you. But now that you have entered the entertainment industry, there are many things to consider."

Although the Ye family can make anyone who wants to scold Ye Tian speechless on any platform.

But, will Ye Tian stop going out in the future?

As long as you go out and meet people, people always want to talk, how can they tear other people's mouths?
According to the current status of Ye Tian and Qi Ye in the circle is not very equal, An Qinyuan is also worried.

"We know." So before she received the corresponding glory, she would not directly disclose her relationship with Qi Ye.

"But we've also discussed it, and we won't pretend to be unfamiliar." Today's main reason is that there are too many hot searches on the two of them together a while ago!
"If you need help at home, you can find your second brother. If the second brother can't solve it, you can count on your father and elder brother." After An Qinyuan finished speaking, Ye Tian threw herself into An Qinyuan's arms with a smile, and fell into An Qinyuan's arms. Rubbed.


"Okay, okay, how old you are and still act like a baby, drink your soup."

"Hey." Ye Tian drank the rest of the soup, as if she had been soaked in honey.

(End of this chapter)

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