Chapter 434 Helpless
The five people on Ye Tian's side are all here, and they are also discussing how to do this matter.

"The most direct way is to apologize. Only an apology will not damage the popularity of passers-by." As the oldest among them, Wang Qing saw this matter most clearly.

Is popularity important or current fans important?

"If it were me, I would definitely stop it. If I don't stop it, there may be big things in the future. Now it's like a strong man cutting his wrist at most." Wang Qing commented from the side.

Ye Tian didn't speak, in fact, she was very curious about what choice Shi Fei would make.

Misty passers-by or fans who have been cultivated for a long time, which one to choose?
"Should we prepare it too?" The food on the table has already been served, and no one is talking while eating, waiting for Shi Fei to deal with it.

In the past few days, except for the first tour of the six of them yesterday, nothing happened. The trending search has been on it since noon until now.

After all, their enthusiasm has not dissipated yesterday, and the hot search on the fans made most people think that this is not a fight between fans, but only after clicking in did they know that this matter looks really exciting, more than a tear. Much better looking.

"If she responds and asks fans not to do that, we'll post one, and if she doesn't, we won't post either?" Now the fire hasn't reached them, so there's no need to be too anxious, but in the end will have an impact.

It is a group after all.

"If she doesn't post it, we will post it, but after posting it, we will disclose that we have a bad relationship." Xing Ranran said indifferently.

She didn't have much contact with Shi Fei, but she only heard some things from Wang Qing. Although they were roommates at first, they didn't know each other well. She only knew that Shi Fei listened enthusiastically when Wang Qing was injured.

But now, Wang Qing, who has been favored by Shi Fei, has subconsciously drawn a boundary with Shi Fei. What kind of person Shi Fei is, do you even need to ask?
"If the impact is too great, the company will let us post it, and Shi Fei will have no choice at that time." Ye Tian said while eating.

Starlight Entertainment is monitoring the data of Hexagram all the time, and if there is anything abnormal on the Internet, they will discuss it.

Starlight Entertainment doesn't show anything about the knowledge that is currently on the hot search, but if all the six-pointed stars are dragged into the water, then Starlight Entertainment may still be able to ask Shifei for a large amount of liquidated damages.

After all, when the contract was first signed, it was written that artists have the obligation to maintain the reputation of the group, and anything that discredits the group is a breach of contract.

"That's right, then there's nothing to worry about. I'll release the group with six people later and wait for Sister Ai Jia to send a message." Wang Qing seemed to think that this incident would definitely affect the group in the future.

But in the end still not.

Shi Fei is not a fool, she clearly knows what she needs, fans, once raised, can be raised again, this time there are no more, and there are more passers-by.

But if the popularity of passers-by is gone, then when everyone mentions Shi Fei, they will think in their hearts—ah, this is the person who instigated fans to eat Bawang's meal.

This is fishing out the water, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Shi Fei made a move soon, and she chose to send a long message.

(End of this chapter)

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