Chapter 446 Postpone
Qi Ye went to a meeting, Ye Tian continued to read the script, and communicated with her friends in the group.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: ahhh, I'm going crazy.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: what's wrong?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: I shot the inside page of a magazine today, and this photographer has too many requirements. I have been working here for a long time, but I still can't shoot it.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: That's too normal, I also filmed for a day last time, those people are all a little bit wrong.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: The most annoying thing is that he said that the person he originally wanted was Shi Fei, but our company won this opportunity, and he still said in front of me why there is such a big gap between the same combination.I'm pissed off. I'm pissed off.

Wang Qing has been filming all morning, that is, she has been angry all morning, complaining to everyone while talking.

Tian Tian wants to drink milk: what magazine?

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: a first-line magazine called DHAI
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: she never wants to cooperate with this family again.

Ran Ran also wants to shut up: I want to open up, maybe the other party is Shi Fei's fan?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: I can't think about it even more when you say that.

There was a burst of joy in the group, Ye Tian stayed here with Qi Ye until Wednesday, and then boarded the plane for the next tour location.

After Qi Ye finished handling the company's affairs, the crew sent a message that the filming on the mountain had all ended, and now the filming location had changed, and Qi Ye needed to go to a new location.

However, the crew is still preparing. After all, they moved to a new location and had to deal with a lot of things. Qi Ye had an extra two days to rest.

This time, he contacted Ai Jia directly, explaining that he was going to the scene.

Asked for an official ticket and showed up right away.

After all, An Yunle will be there this time, as will Zhao Wu.

The marketing account had already received the news that a tutor would come to watch it.

Before the start of the second tour, Ye Tian knew that Qi Ye would also participate.

She was not in high spirits at first, but she was very happy in an instant.

At the end of the performance, the three mentors went directly to the backstage under the leadership of Ai Jia.

"Long time no see!" An Yunle greeted everyone: "Everyone's strength is getting stronger and stronger!"

An Yunle has not been idle during this time, she is working on creation at home, and plans to produce an album next year.

During this period of time, the progress of the six people is indeed not small.

Everyone has a lot of time to learn a lot of knowledge from professional teachers every day.

These are learning hours that have never been in the program group before.

After all, there are still heavy tasks in the program group, which put a lot of psychological burden on people.

But after debuting, they can use all their time and energy to study.

Everyone's growth is really visible to the naked eye. It can be said that every tour will become very different.

"Especially Wang Qing, not only has she lost weight, but she has also made great progress." An Yunle's eyes were on Wang Qing.

Wang Qing's initial singing was entirely based on her limited skills and absolute talent. Her talent in singing is really good.

It's different now. After such a long time, her shortcomings have been quickly made up for. In terms of idol artists, Wang Qing can be said to be able to achieve the word "strength".

"Mr. An, don't you just praise me?" Wang Qing was very happy to hear the compliment, and continued to ask.

"No, I still have to settle accounts with you!" After An Yunle said this, Wang Qing jumped back.

(End of this chapter)

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