Chapter 451

[Shi Fei?She sings very well! 】

[No way, Shi Fei sings very well! 】

[Why have so many things happened to Shi Fei recently? Did she offend someone? 】

[Take us Shi Fei away, and say she sings badly, you have proof! 】

Many of Shi Fei's fans are newcomers, or passers-by fans. Unless the concert venue is right in front of their house, this kind of fans will definitely not go to it.

But if they see someone blackmailing their idols on the Internet, they will speak out directly.

What is Shi Fei's singing level? The previous Starlight Girls have performed well, and everyone thinks it is not bad.

So what this blogger said now is not true.

[Entertainment Circle Gossip V: Come on, Shi Fei sang well before, and I praised it, but this time it’s really not good. The song she sang today is familiar to many people, but because of this, I I don't think she can sing well. 】

When the marketing account said this, many people were shaken.

[So, Shi Fei went to record a show a few days ago, so she doesn't have time to rehearse. 】

[Shi she confident in herself? 】

[No, didn't she also say that she didn't forget to practice singing when she was recording the show when she posted the red eye message? 】

[Who knows?Why did the teammates not perform abnormally, but Shi Fei did not? 】

Ye Tian and the others were in the background, so they naturally felt that something was wrong when they heard Shi Fei singing.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: To be honest, I really don't know if there is something wrong with her mind, why did she choose this song?
This song looks simple, but if there is not much contact, there will be problems, and there are many skills in the middle, if one is not handled well, it is the scene of a car accident.

It was obvious that Shi Fei hadn't practiced for long, even if she had sung it before, there was something wrong with it now.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: Don't talk, don't talk, everyone is going to go on stage.

Shi Fei was the last solo singer in the group. After her performance, the last group performance will be performed again, and this tour will end.

At the end of the tour, Shi Fei's singing skills were directly searched.

The former blogger was constantly being questioned, which led him to directly record a section sung by Shi Fei.

Small personal clips can be released, because the personal part of each tour is different.

It was this short paragraph that directly sent right and wrong to the hot searches.

Many people couldn't stand it when they heard it.

【What is this singing about? 】

[My God, my favorite song, why is it like this?If you can't sing, don't sing! 】

[Is Shi Fei too drifting? 】

After Shi Fei stepped down, she heard the system prompt.

【Love value is declining】

【Love value is declining】

Shi Fei panicked, turned on her mobile phone and saw the trending search.

"Shi Fei, you made too many mistakes today, are you worthy of the audience who watched your performance?" Ai Jia was very rude, and said to Shi Fei in front of everyone.

"Sister Ai Jia, I didn't expect... I'm not in a good state today."

"Are you in good condition? You just flew back this morning, how can you be in good condition?" With the performance about to start in the afternoon, it is a taboo to travel and travel.

During group performances, Shi Fei can keep silent, finish her part and paddle for the rest, but when it's her turn to perform solo, she can't do it all at once.

[System, can I use favorite value now? 】

(End of this chapter)

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