Chapter 453 Someone Behind
Ye Ming asked Ai Jia to bring Ye Tian and their team, naturally to take care of Ye Tian.

Ai Jia's methods are amazing, and she is also a very careful and reflective person.

Otherwise, ordinary people will never discover the problem so quickly.

"You mean to say that you originally wanted to pursue the responsibility directly, but I don't know why you didn't in the end?" Ye Ming also felt that this matter was really evil.

What's the situation, my sister still has a bomb next to her?
If Shi Fei was really the kind of person who used those things, she would definitely not be able to stay here, no matter whether it was true or not, she would definitely not be able to stay by Ye Tian's side.

"Yes, it feels very strange. After I came out, I remembered what I wanted to do before. Before, I thought Shi Fei was a little pitiful, and gave birth to the idea that she didn't do anything wrong." The more Ai Jia recalled carefully , the more it feels wrong.

Over there, Shi Fei naturally knew the side effects of what she did.

If the level of trust in her is not high, the other party will probably find out after using skills to soften the other party's heart.

However, Shi Fei has never missed a shot for so many years, and now naturally she doesn't worry about it after using it.

Ye Ming asked Ai Jia to stare at him, and during this time, the contact between Shi Fei and Ye Tian was reduced.

He hurriedly asked his assistant to start investigating Shi Fei.

When contacting the investigation, he also hurriedly contacted Qi Ye. Didn't Qi Ye feel it once in the program group for such a long time?
Or did this person become evil after the show ended?
Or was it during the time when the group formed?
Ye Ming even thought that Shi Fei was able to make his debut during that time, was it because of using this kind of thing?At that time, he and she had already dropped out of the top 6 in their debut due to a stage mistake, but in the end they rushed to catch up and squeezed out the sixth place at that time.

When Qi Ye received the call from Ye Ming, his face was full of doubts.

Isn't this time Ye Tian and the others, when the concert just ended?Could something be wrong?
Thinking of this, he hurriedly picked up the phone: "What's the matter, is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that Tiantian's agent told me something today. I want to ask if you have encountered it before."

Ye Ming thought for a long time to organize his words, and then slowly spoke to Qi Ye.

When Qi Ye heard Ye Ming's first sentence, he probably guessed something. He raised his eyebrows and didn't say much: "Say it."

"Have you watched the trending search? It doesn't matter if you haven't, let me just talk about it briefly."

"It's just that there is a girl in Tiantian and their group today, who was on a bad trending search. The manager originally wanted to hold her accountable, but I don't know why when I met her, I suddenly forgot about it and gave up. . Waiting to go out before I remembered this matter."

"She thought it was strange, so she told me, you said, could it be..."

Qi Ye didn't expect it to be because of this.

"There's something really wrong with her."

"You found out earlier, why didn't you say it before?"

Ye Ming was a little anxious. It would be great if he found out the problem earlier and got rid of this person. It is really too dangerous to let her stay by Ye Tian's side now.

He was blaming himself now, but Qi Ye sighed: "Because behind her, there are others."

(End of this chapter)

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