Chapter 455 Be Careful
Sister Ai Jia: Tiantian, Shi Fei... Do you feel something is wrong?

Ye Tian also felt something was wrong today, after all, Ai Jia's behavior was a bit strange.

How can you change your mind all of a sudden?

However, considering that Shi Fei has always been very evil, and she is the heroine, Ye Tian felt that it must be the role of the heroine's halo.

After all, the heroine can make everyone around her fall in love with her, even if this skill has been out of order for a while, maybe it's gone now?

Ye Tian: Sister Ai Jia, what's wrong with you?
She is not quite sure what happened to Ai Jia at night.

Sister Ai Jia: I don’t know either, I just find it very strange. Tonight, Shi Fei was supposed to ask for compensation, but they didn’t bring it up all of a sudden?
Ai Jia was 'abducted' into the company by Ye Tian, ​​she knew it very well in her heart, and Ye Tian's identity should indeed know this.

Ye Tian: I see, I will pay more attention to it in the future.

Sister Ai Jia: That's good. I've already told Mr. Ye, and Mr. Ye should handle it.

Seeing that Ai Jia told Ye Ming, Ye Tian pursed her lips.

elder brother?

Should she tell her brother not to act rashly?

After such a long time, Ye Tian changed her initial thoughts.

It's good that Shi Fei is the heroine, but in the book she read after she died, there were too many things that were not clearly described.

Why did Shi Fei make such a powerful Ye Group into such a state?
On the day of her debut, Shi Fei was about to fall out of the debut position, and she was in a very bad state, but in the last period, Shi Fei suddenly surpassed the original No.6 She Qiao.

There is capital behind her?
But the series of things that Shi Fei did afterwards made people feel confused, such as Shi Fei's benefactor.

This is something that everyone in the six-pointed star has confirmed. Sometimes Shi Fei's condition is particularly bad, and hickeys can often be seen on her neck.

There is capital behind it, so is the funder Shi Fei's capital?

Ye Tian didn't know, and now Shi Fei seemed to be a little overwhelmed, so she didn't pay much attention.

But when it was brought up again today, her inner vigilance became even more vigilant.

What kind of ability is it that can influence people so much?
Ye Tian threw the phone on the bedside, and Ye Ming naturally stayed up all night.

After investigating Shi Fei, Ye Ming was not satisfied at all. He continued to investigate and found some deeper things.

For example, Shi Fei's current patron's father...

Is this funny?

The owner of a small company can be regarded as one of the world's top [-], but compared with the Ye family, it is a world of difference.

The one that can make Qi Ye so afraid is at least a family that is more powerful than the Ye family.

But in this world, is there really such a family?

His mind is in a state of confusion now, if he and Qi Ye can't reach a conclusion tomorrow, then he must tell the rest of the Ye family about this matter.

After all, his strength alone is too small.

The next day, Qi Ye and Ye Ming met at the agreed place.

Ye Ming looked at the place Qi Ye had decided on, and was speechless.

"This... are you too careful?"

Ye Ming was taken by Qi Ye to the mountain where he had filmed before. He threw his phone into the car, and the two of them stood far away outside.

"Some time ago, someone attacked my company. Before, during the filming process of Starlight Girl, I was also disturbed by the other party." Qi Ye said such a paragraph at the beginning
(End of this chapter)

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