Chapter 457 Ridiculous
After all, there are many things that cannot be fully told to the other party, it is not the time, and it is not necessary.

All the previous things have passed away.

Now, just now.

Back in the car, Qi Ye checked his phone to see if there were any messages that he missed in the afternoon.

Ye Ming drove back to the hotel, and his overall condition was not particularly good.

What absurdity!

Ye Tian didn't know that Qi Ye and Ye Ming talked about it all afternoon.

She is still resting in the hotel, reading the script while resting.

Now that it's getting colder outside, Ye Tian doesn't want to go out for a walk.

What's more, there is only a few days of rest time, and it will take a day's flight time to go home.

Might as well take this day to rest.

The five of them agreed not to leave here. Ye Tian has a script to read, and Wang Qing will go to another crew to audition later.

For the other three, Shu Ruxue knew that she was not suitable for acting and was thinking about her own album. Xing Ranran and Wang Qing planned to collaborate on an album.

The five of them had things to do, and they just came out for a meal at noon.

"The tour is really getting more and more tiring." During the first show, everyone was very excited, and at the end of the night, they didn't feel sleepy at all.

But as time goes by, everyone feels more and more tired.

During the week, rehearsals/breaks plus flying, and then occasionally other work.

After a month, several people lost weight visibly to the naked eye.

However, there are still a lot of gains, because the tour and some of the previous shootings are broadcast, everyone's popularity is getting higher and higher, and the quality of the songs in the album is very good, which has led to everyone being able to get a job more or less recently .

"I'm ready to buy a house for my family! My family is in the country, and I will buy a house in the city later, and the price is not expensive." Today everyone got the share of the previous two tours, as well as the sale of the previous album and the shooting of commercials etc. notice fee.

Wang Qing directly said that she came to treat guests today to celebrate that she was going to buy a new house.

"Aren't you going to buy a house in Yancheng?" The housing price in Yancheng is very expensive, but it's not bad to buy a smaller one for living alone.

"No, we shouldn't stay in Yancheng for too long. If we are filming in the future, we will not go home for several months. The house in Yancheng is too expensive." Wang Qing shook her head directly. Money, in fact, is not too much.

In a place like Yancheng where every inch of land is very expensive, there may still be not enough money for a toilet.

But that money can already buy a house with a decent area at home.

"My family is in Yancheng, so there is no need to buy a house. If you want to buy a house in the future, you can buy one in a place you often go to."

Several people were chatting, they have just debuted now, and the money in their hands is actually not too much.

"It's too early to think about this. Anyway, the company still has a dormitory, and I think the dormitory is also good." Wang Qing watched a few people start discussing about buying a house, with a smile on his face.

The dormitory given to them by the company is very good, it is considered a high-end community, and there is one room for each of them.

"In this way, I really plan to rent a house in Yancheng. The company informed me yesterday that my dormitory has been given to someone else!" After hearing Wang Qing's words, Xing Ranran remembered her own affairs.

Her company is not a human being, she is used to it.

"Have you contacted Sister Ai Jia?" Ye Tian heard what she said, and thought of the things mentioned before.

(End of this chapter)

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