Chapter 459 Running away from home
Xing Ranran had a very happy meal.

"Fortunately, my company is not bad. Although our contract is not very good, but the money that should be paid will not be missed."

Wang Qing couldn't help sighing when he saw Xing Ranran gobbling his food.

Xing Ranran said while eating: "I was too young at that time, because I got angry with my family, I came out and became an artist in a fit of anger."

"The contract was cheated, and there was nothing to do for several years. After the company signed the contract, they didn't care about me at all. They even wanted me to drink with people before. I refused, and it became worse and worse. .”

"The Starlight Girl this time, the company didn't give me a place at all, I was selected through the audition." This is the first time that such a talent show is held, and some people can participate through the audition.

Ye Tian was also drafted.

"After the company knew about it, they still wanted to push me down. Fortunately, Starlight Entertainment is very strong, saying that they will never change the person they have chosen." Starlight Entertainment made this show entirely to win people over. , to build the brand of Hexagram, naturally it will not receive interference from others.

"It's over, I'm fine now, and I'll be even better in the future!!" Xing Ranran's strength was obvious to all.

She is very strong, has no shortcomings in all aspects, and is cute and cute. Although she is a bit talkative, what she says is comfortable, which makes her very popular with the audience.

She made her debut, and it was all because of her strong fans, plus a lot of fans from passers-by.

Because Ye Tian is too strong, many passers-by feel that there is no need to vote for liquid milk. It is enough for Ye Tian to have her own fans to vote.

This is also the case with Shu Ruxue.

At the last moment, many passers-by chose Xing Ranran and Wang Qing.

Both of these people are very popular with the audience.

"You said you ran away from home?" Ye Tian's expression was a bit exciting.

Didn't expect there are people like me?
Xing Ranran's face turned red, as if she was embarrassed to talk about it.

Several other people also looked over.

"Yes...but now I'm home. My family is very ordinary. My parents are both teachers. I have never dared to tell them about my contract." She was too young when she came out.

Because everyone in the family is a teacher, she doesn't like the school environment by nature.

Before that, there was a big fuss at home because of university majors.

"Speaking of which, I also skipped grades in the college entrance examination. When I was 16 years old, I took the college entrance examination and got the first prize in Yan Province. My parents wanted me to study mathematics, but I wanted to go to the film and television academy."

Both parents are teachers, which led to her getting very good grades since she was a child. It is nothing to get this grade under such influence.

"My God, am I the only scumbag among us?" Wang Qing had never heard Xing Ranran say such things.

This is really...

"No, me too." Wang Qing answered this question while being surprised.

Shu Ruxue didn't say anything. Her parents were both in the circle, so she also joined the circle. She liked singing and dancing, including acting.

"Then you still applied for film and television in college?" Ye Tian continued to ask, very interested in Xing Ranran.

"No, I didn't go to college..."

(End of this chapter)

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