Chapter 462 How Has She Been Recently?

Suspected of lip-synching, all the previous videos were dug out, and people found fault in various ways, trying to prove that Ye Tian is actually a vase without any strength.

Because of this incident, he didn't have the strength to beat Ye Tian to death.

"After this tour is over, next Friday, everyone will come to Starlight Entertainment to try on clothes and confirm makeup." After Ai Jia finished speaking, everyone nodded.

Ye Tian also nodded.

The incident in the previous life, if nothing else happened, should have been done by Shi Fei. At that time, Shi Fei's fans had surpassed hers, and she had always occupied the C position in the team, but many people thought she was unworthy.

It was also because Shi Fei's fans surpassed hers, so it became the fuse of that incident.

After all, as long as her reputation is getting worse and worse, for the sake of the whole team, the best way is to reduce her resources and various things.

The last beneficiary will be Shi Fei.

And at that time, she didn't reconcile with her family, and the two sides had sharp conflicts. The family wanted her to see clearly how ugly this circle was.

Ye Tian also wants to prove that even if the circle is ugly, she can break out of her own world.

Not so now.

"Okay." Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

Many things that happened in the previous life have not happened now, and she doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

What the future will look like, we will only know when we leave.

The most important thing now is the tour. After the tour, I will enter the crew to film.

Of course, ruining Shi Fei's reputation and enjoying the consequences is also one of her goals.

After everyone dispersed, Ai Jia said something to Ye Tian alone: ​​"Tiantian, what's wrong with you recently?"

Ye Tian is puzzled? ? ?

Why did you ask so?
She is in good health and eats well, but she just can't eat anything.

"I'm very good."

"Sister Ai Jia, you've been a little weird recently." In the past month or so, Ai Jia has been walking with the team.

Many of the team's business activities before were discussed by Ai Jia. Ai Jia has the means and resources, and naturally he is in the circle like a fish in water, and he has won a lot of resources for the follow-up of Hexagram.

But now, she basically follows the team.

"The resources are basically arranged. It would be better for me to watch by your side, so as to avoid what happened before." Ai Jia said, and looked at Ye Tian again.

Before, Shi Fei was too wicked, which made both Ye Ming and Ai Jia feel that Shi Fei might be bad for Ye Tian.

"Shi Fei hasn't been close to you recently, has she?" Ai Jia basically avoided the contact between Shi Fei and Ye Tian completely. As far apart as possible.

"We've never been close before." Ye Tian was also surprised by this.

In the early days, Shi Fei did intend to get close to her, but whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Shi Fei, as the heroine, seemed to be particularly targeting her.

Could this be the script of the villain's cannon fodder?Regardless of rebirth or not, it cannot be changed?
"When Shi Fei was in Starlight Girl, wasn't she very popular?" Taking over the six-pointed star, Ai Jia naturally had to investigate everyone.

In the eyes of almost everyone, Shi Fei is not particularly bad.

After Ye Tian heard this, she couldn't help stretching out her hand, and touched her nose: "Maybe, I'm one of the few, unpopular."

"She targeted you before?" Ai Jia became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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