Chapter 471 I Love You
After hearing this, Ye Tian also sighed, and she also knew that it was indeed very embarrassing.

Will An Yunle really chase people?
Obviously not.

He ran out after him, and Wang Qing was obviously at a loss when she watched An Yunle catch up.

"Mr. An, is there anything else?"

"Wang Qing." He took a breath, and the two stood facing each other, "I want to say sorry to you about what happened before."

After he finished speaking, Wang Qing on the opposite side was a little surprised: "I just wanted to tease you, but I was wrong."

After Wang Qing heard it, she just pursed her lips, and after a long time, she replied: "Mr. An, this joke is not funny at all."

"I'm sorry, can you forgive me, can we start over?" An Yunle was very anxious, looking at Wang Qing's face without a smile at all, his heart was extremely flustered.

How can this be done?
Wang Qing is still angry, what she just said was just a scene in front of Ye Tian and Qi Ye.

"Teacher An, start over?" Wang Qing was shocked, not knowing what An Yunle meant by that.

What did they start?Haven't had anything, are you starting over as friends?It doesn't have to be, it's not that serious.

"I like you, can you give me another chance?" An Yunle gritted his teeth, and directly expressed his thoughts.

Wang Qing on the opposite side was stunned, she was dumbfounded.

What... what?

Is that what she imagined?

Teacher An Yunle, do you like her?That is why ah?

"You, are you going to make a TV series in a while?" Unexpectedly, Wang Qing asked cautiously.

An Yunle frowned, wondering why she thought of this?


"Then you are practicing your lines now?" Although An Yunle has never filmed a TV series before, it does not mean that she will not film in the future.

After saying this, Wang Qing looked up at An Yunle's expression.

He seemed unhappy because of what he said just now.

like you, like...

No way?
"The reason why I went to you before was because I found out that I seem to like you." An Yunle explained again.

Wang Qing opened her mouth wide, and An Yunle stretched out her hand to hold her chin: "Can you give me a chance?"

This straight shot made people feel a little caught off guard, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

Wang Qing closed her mouth, but her face turned red all of a sudden: "I, I, I..." She never planned to fall in love.

It should be said that there is no such plan in a short period of time.

After all, it is still the rising period of his career. As an idol, it is safest not to fall in love, otherwise he cannot stand being guessed every day.

But what did An Yunle say now... like her?

Wang Qing felt that her heartbeat had never been so fast.

Why is this?Why do you like her?Is there anything about her that An Yunle likes?
Seeing that Wang Qing didn't answer, An Yunle's eyes darkened: "It's okay, I know you don't have this idea now, and I won't force you to make a decision."

"Today is your last tour, come on." After he finished speaking, he took a step back, and Wang Qing hurried back to her lounge.

An Yunle was looking at Wang Qing's back, and kept giggling.

But he didn't know that someone saw this scene in another place.

(End of this chapter)

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