Chapter 491 No Heart

"What clip video?"

As he said, Ye Tian also shook his head: "It should be something from CP Chaohua, I'll watch it later, let's see what happened to Shi Fei's fans now."

"Shouldn't the fans not like their idols dating? Now that I clarify, isn't everyone happy?" Qi Ye didn't understand the brain circuits of these fans at all.

At least Qi Ye felt that if the relationship with Ye Tian was announced, it would have a great impact on Ye Tian.

After Ye Tian heard Qi Ye's words, she also thought about it carefully, and finally came to a conclusion: "Perhaps, Shi Fei's fans think you are also very good, barely worthy of their Shi Fei."

"Then I still need to thank them?" Qi Ye said, with a look of displeasure on his face, Ye Tian raised her head to see his appearance, and kissed his chin uncontrollably.

"You must not be unhappy!" In this matter, she should be the one who is unhappy.

After all, it was Qi Ye who was rumored to be having an affair with another woman.

"Honey, why am I so happy, and I'm on the trending search with a stranger, and it's still such a trending search." Qi Ye felt that he wasn't pissed off, it was simply because he was generous.

Moreover, if Shi Fei and Ye Tian were not in the same group, and he wanted Ye Tian to announce his love, the studio's words would definitely be even more ugly.

After all, he is still defending himself like a jade for Tiantian. In the past three years, no one has been with him for such a long time in the trending search, although Shi Fei didn't have a chance to appear in the trending search entries at that time.

"Okay, then you're allowed to be unhappy for a minute." Hearing Qi Ye's words, Ye Tian compromised.

Qi Ye lowered his head and smiled, and whispered in her ear: "Then I'm not happy, do you want to coax me?"

"No, I want to keep reading." Ye Tian said, turning the pages with her fingers.

【Feifei deserves better! 】

[This matter is quite true, but I didn't expect Qi Ye to reply like that. Just look at Feifei's reply. There must be a story in it. 】

Shi Fei's reply was really too confusing.

Yes, just let these fans think about it.

It is vague, what is currently only the relationship between seniors and juniors, and what is my work.

【Yes, Feifei's statement looks so wronged, as if she was abandoned by a scumbag. 】

[Don't talk about it, I think Qi Ye is a scum at night, he must have cheated the little girl's feelings, woo woo, we are the only ones who love our Feifei! 】

The CP Chaohua in the night market in the city just now collapsed with Qi Ye's words.

[This is the worst CP I've ever eaten! 】

[Ahhh, the CP I love, has only existed for less than one night and is gone already?However, the two righteous masters have spoken, so I'd better not drink it! 】

[Wooooow, BE, BE! 】

[My God, isn't it too cruel?Why is this, those videos are really too sweet, Qi Ye has no heart! 】

The things stipulated in CP Chaohua cannot bring the name of the master, otherwise, they will appear in the square. This is also the default in the CP circle. Wu CP is not allowed to dance in front of the master. some nicknames.

For example, in the CP of Ye Tian and Qi Ye, everyone calls Qi Ye and collectively refers to night, because many people use this word. If you search for it alone, there will be a lot of messy news about the night. Ye Tian is called Xiao Tiandou, or use Pinyin abbreviations instead, anyway, the name cannot be used directly.

As a result of using the name, he went directly to Qi Ye Square and was seen by Qi Ye's fans.

(End of this chapter)

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