I conquered the entertainment industry with my beauty

Chapter 50 It's Exciting to Take It and Run

Chapter 50 It's Exciting to Take It and Run
Seeing that the two were about to go back, Li Qian, who was in the same dormitory, stood up and followed them after seeing it.

"At that time, Shi Fei's singing foundation was so poor that she was almost scolded and cried by Teacher Qian." She was assigned to Qian Heyi's side, and she felt Shi Fei's singing level throughout the process.

"Isn't she A?" Shu Ruxue was also a little surprised.

Yesterday, when Shi Fei was grading, Shu Ruxue was preparing backstage, so she didn't see Shi Fei's performance.

Moreover, it seemed that everyone in the back ignored her, and no one challenged her.

Shu Ruxue thought that Shi Fei's ability was so powerful that no one dared to challenge her.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing?
"Yesterday's performance was indeed very good, dancing and singing were...okay." Li Qian hesitated for a while when she said this.

is it?

Why is my memory a bit fuzzy?

Really good performance, will people forget it?

Just like Ye Tian's performance yesterday, even thinking about it now, it still makes my blood boil.

"Ye Tian, ​​what do you think?" The two looked at Ye Tian at the same time.

"Ah? Her?" Ye Tian was distracted just now, and only recovered after being called out by the two.

"It's okay? I didn't pay much attention to her." She watched Shi Fei's performance yesterday, and she felt that it was okay. Although it didn't meet the standard of a real A, who made her have the aura of a heroine?
Of course the heroine has to be a little more awesome.

So Ye Tian didn't think too much about it. What Shi Fei showed today made Ye Tian think carefully about some things in her previous life.

At that time, it seemed that no one felt that Shi Fei was so bad, and the impression left in their minds was that Shi Fei was a very hardworking and gentle trainee.

When Ye Tian read the contents of the book, she also commented on Shi Fei in the same way. She didn't know from the book until she died that everything that happened to her was planned by Shi Fei.

Why did this happen?Is it really the so-called halo of the heroine?Everyone has become a tool to serve the plot, and they can only follow the plot.

Are all the puppets of the author?If so, why was she reborn?
"Maybe it's too nervous? Didn't sing well due to nervousness?" Shu Ruxue made a hypothesis.

Li Qian nodded, feeling reasonable: "No, I'm so nervous that I'm about to cry, maybe it's because of too much pressure."

They seemed to be subconsciously making excuses for Shi Fei.

Ye Tian frowned, but said nothing.

The three of them passed by the stairs, Ye Tian suddenly looked to the other side, his eyes lit up, and he became cheerful.

"You go back first!"

"Huh? Are you going to buy water?" They looked towards the place Ye Tian was looking at, where there was a vending machine filled with unlabeled mineral water.

"Yeah, um, do you want it?"

"No need, you can go buy it." Without thinking too much, the two turned around and continued to walk up.

Ye Tian walked towards the vending machine, turned the corner, and Qi Ye was standing there.

This is the first floor, next to the vending machines is the lounge for the instructors.


"Here you are, a reward." Qi Ye took out her milk and waved it in front of her sideways eyes.

It was bright red, illuminating her eyes! ! !
Ye Tian immediately turned her head, first snatched the milk, held it in her arms, and then said, "This is mine!"

After speaking, she held the milk and started running.

Well, it's exciting to grab and run.

 I cried out with a cry, I didn’t ask for a recommendation ticket in the last chapter, and not many people voted for me all of a sudden.

  Today I went out and bought four bottles of Wangzai, what does that mean!It means that I will not go out for the next four days!


(End of this chapter)

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